In this thread we talk about the manga NHK Ni Youkoso!
> Japanese shut-ins, loli h-games and conspiracies, oh my!
Hooray for Jinmen acquiring this one! Two chapters released so far. Haven't compared their translation job to "the other one" but I doubt it could be worse!
I hearby declare this manga as something new and worth reading.
How often does Jinmen actually release stuff?
Now there's an awesome replacement for Genshiken for them. Let's hope they get some chapters released. Even if I haven't read it yet, I can say with some certainty that this one will be far better than the other translation.
Update: After reading the two chapters, I declare this 110% AWESOME.
Shounen Ace!
> How often does Jinmen actually release stuff?
I think that kinda depends on who does what in the group. Generally, they are not a very fast group, but their translations are usually excellent.
Oh god, I almost forgot that one. -> 3 translated chapters.
they abandoned NHK for now, because they dont have jap translators.
...not much of a change there, then.
Age for released chapter 3.
Sempai sure has nasty cuts on her wrist. The prices you pay for being weird...
Interesting discovery: There is an NHK Ni Youkoso! novel, which is what the manga is based on. That's the one that has the cover by yoshitoshi ABe. ABe also did the cover for Tatsuhiko Takimoto's earlier novel NEGATIVE HAPPY CHAIN SAW EDGE.
Missed that the first (and second) time, thanks.
no, this is more than 110% awesome. It defies ranking. Great funny stuff. Jinmen's done some wierd stuff. That 'family zoo' thing? That was one of the strangest things I've ever read, no shitting you. And Guu's funny.
Shingo and CVs' work is miles better than Mangainc or Evil Genius could hope for.
Wait, it was actually called NEGATIVE HAPPY CHAIN SAW EDGE? I thought that was Amikai screwing up.
Evil Genius... gah. Their work is generally sub-par and they have the worst case of overinflated ego of all time. --
It is called that, all in katakana. I've been trying to find scans just to get the cover, but no luck yet.
And CV sure is a busy guy. Good thing too.
CV is an accomplished manga editor, 4chan mod, and extremely creepy pedophile.
Someone clone him quick!
Not that it matters much, but I think CV is one of the least creepy pedophiles I have seen on the internet.
(found over @ Shii's blog)
Counterpoint: CV wouldn't be on the Internet if he weren't a pedophile with MS. See, regular 40-year-olds are too good for Internet forums.
when are moer releases coming?
Im starting to like this series!
> when are moer releases coming?
In the standard words of one of my favorite software developers: "It's done when it's done."
Seriously though: As long as you aren't paying for it, just chill and enjoy what comes. In the meantime, download free porn and wank yourself silly!
Chapters 4 and 5 by "Evil Genius"
Translation is so-so. Recognizes a few puns but some translations are outright awful (Satou calling Yamazaki "you perverted little lolita!", spelling "Jung" as "Yung", etc.).
Waiting for Jinmen....
The fastest = the best. I prefer to read raws anyways, but the dumbfucks usually won't give em away ("fansubbing convence" my ass -/)
Yotte, Evil Genius rocks. Also for picking up Biomega, so we don't have to wait 3 years or so when these Omanga dudes actually deign to do their next update.
Also, while we still are at it...
>Seriously though: As long as you aren't paying for it blah blah blah
Just wanna say I don't get that attitude of (most) manga translators, banning and insulting people for mere asking when the next chapter will come out. Surely you're doing the Good Thing™ and all that crap. But there's this one thing. If you're not just kicking these translations around for your friends but actually RELEASE them into the open world, be prepared to cope with that. It's just fucking NATURAL for the people to come and ask what's going on and why there were absolutely no updates for about a year or so. So everytime I see another fucked up in the head dude bitching about how all these people dishonour his virginity I just wanna tell em right away to shut the fuck down that site of theirs and stop OOH TORMENTING themselves that way. There are plenty of willing people ready to take your place anyways.
Sure it's natural to people come up and ask stupid questions, it's also natural to someone get pissed after he/she/it has been asked the same damn question several hundred times.
> The fastest = the best.
Yeah right. And if you could actually read raws, you'd have no problem finding them on Japanese P2P software, but it seems like you just want to look at the purdy, purdy pictures anyway.
> Just wanna say I don't get that attitude of (most) manga translators, banning and insulting people for mere asking when the next chapter will come out.
I wasn't banning or insulting anyone, I was telling him to chill. So should you. I don't give a shit whether you think your whining is natural or not. This whole attitude of demand without compensation that wants to somehow justify itself ("nature") and constantly whine is what invites the drama, not the friendly reminder to just wait for it.
Come to think of it...
Isn't Evil Genius the guy behind Mangainc (and thus also the author of those gay webcomics)?
I don't think that something like asking "how things are going now" after a year of inactivity could be considered stupid (well actually, the more correct wording in that case would be "wtf guys, did you all die or something?" -)). Really, it does sometimes seem like instead of work some of them are just sitting their asses off at their forum all the time, waiting for someone to actually come and ask that, despite all teh zOMGWTF WARNING MESSAGES - so they could go "A-HA!!" and all that stuff. -)
Neither I was talking about you personally. Nor its about the extreme cases of the real, ugly, nasty "DEMANDING" as you have put it. But when a mere spark of interest burns such a deeply-harmed state... or so it seems, judging from the usual reactions...
All in all, it's still mostly a speed problem I think. If one releases the stuff frequently, no one'll have a reason to "whine".
BUT, a matter of politeness as well.
まー, I was just speaking myself out. Case closed.
As for P2P soft, I've just started to figure out Share (which doesn't seem to work under my Win98 anyways). And it was deeply in the past when you could actually find something in WinMX.
Once you've been in a few groups you recognize a general pattern:
a) The ferocious startup. Plenty of chapters edited.
b) The cycle. Group settles into a considerably slower cyclic state.
c) Endgame. Group slowly peters out.
Evil_Genius is very much in stage a). All the signs are there: fast editing, poor QC, bad editing. They are slowly coming to the end of a). You'll know they've entered b) when the quality suddenly spikes and the release schedule slows down accordingly.
My main issue with E_G is the youthful arrogance though. I have spoken on occasion to Oro, and while he is a pleasant fellow when alone, he can't stand having errors or suggestions pointed out publically. He's fairly sane though, it's the others I'm worried about.
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Phew, I almost downloaded the EG version yesterday.
Shingo is too busy to translate stuff for us :(
Luckily AstCd2 is ON THE CASE
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CV is an editing machine. Ast is a translating machine. Watch out.
I've been reading the E_G version for a while, but now I have seen the error of my ways.
Great manga, regardless. Hilarious stuff.
The two new ones from Jinmen are out, so, like, download it and stuff.
Chapters 4 and 5, that is. I didn't know 4 was out already(?). for those who are as lazy and me and can't be bothered to go hunt down the link.
Can somebody please give me the original title of the manga in Japanese (not romaji)?
I want new chapter NOW
Richard Mongler
Damn it, don't tempt me.
| New EvilGenius chapters?
│No, don't!!! |________ hmm…
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Evil Genius thinks -tan is, (sic) "Osaka-ban" wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Evil Genius = GREAT GUY
jinmei = fags
ID:TN0w2nf1 is DQN
Stop spamming up this thread.
New Jinmen release!
(*´Д`)ハァハァハァハァハァハァl \ァ l \ァ
(*´Д`)ハァハァ/lァ/lァ/ヽァ/ヽァ ノ \ア ノ \ア / \ ア / \ ア
Great release, thanks Jinmen!
I wonder what Satou's father looks like...
I want to add that I have this deep, selfish wish that this thing gets licensed one day. I'd definitely buy it, even if they don't throw in any cool extras for the paperback release...
Brilliant translation work so far, anyhow.
And if anyone has any nice pics from the series or fanart, please feel free to post some on WAKAchan.
>>61 i dont think so. Because NHK is only have 3volumes
"...we present to you the second volume of the grand-scale roman-fleuve vision of springtime-of-youth hikikomori life! They'll look pretty and colorful when you line then up on your bookshelf!"
And it's just getting better.
Meh. In my country there have been manga releases of series that weren't DBZ style 60+ volumes, either.
where can i find NHK v01 ch03 and up?
If you have the old MangaInc translations of 1-3, get and re-read the Jinmen ones instead, which are funnier and make sense.
Chapter 17━━━(゚∀゚)━( ゚∀)━( ゚)━( )━(゚ )━(∀゚ )━(゚∀゚)━━━!!
>>68-70 are DQN
> Not Found
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> Web Server at
that should have been:
Right. I was pretty tired when I posted that, so yeah: my bad.
Another excellent release.
Utterly depraved and absolutely excellent!
I was laughing at the Kamen Rider joke as soon as he put on the mask.
Also: There was never any such thing as romance in Japan!
> There was never any such thing as romance in Japan!
I think a collection of things and ideas believed or rumored to be imported into Japan is in order. I found myself snickering away over the claim that the west introduced female breasts as a sexual object, thus leading to the covering up of them by clothes and censorship in the historical process which some Japanese otaku on some other board held violent resentments against.
Someone should count how many panels there are of Satou not sweating.
Does anybody know if pink doujin of NHK Ni Youkoso exist?
[Evil_Genius]NHK_v03c011.rar.torrent 14-Feb-2005 02:53
I want chapter 12 :(
EG released chapters 12-14 today and JJ disbanded.
However, EG is shitty translations of serial scans and C_V/AstCd2 are still working on it as A-M, so nothing much has changed. Unless you want those old chapters, of course.
> JJ disbanded.
That's sad to hear. One of the better groups out there by far.
.. and I ended up here for googling "Richard Mongler"
NHK fans like to read Shingo's blog!
Needs more translations!
。 。 + ヽヽ
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Yeah, but the people who are working on it for JJ are joining some other group to do it :O
Yes that's why I said that in the post
The next volume will be released on 26 May. Soon after that date you can expect a translation with non-shitty quality to be released!
Anyone read the novel version besides me?
Volume whatever it is came out yesterday.
the last translated chapter is 14 by evil genious
Needs more A-M translations!
Needs ANY A-M translations!!
what is A-M ???
A-M is under a once-in-a-lifetime stress right now. Naisho no Tsubomi, He Is My Master, and Ichigo Marshmallow are all being translated at once-- the latter two are released only once a year, and the former only has one volume. These are all being edited by Censored Vagina (who, as you may recall, is too cool for SA). So, you might have to wait a little bit for NHK, but something new will surely be out in June.
Covertly got 100.
A-M: the scanlators for true otaku people with refined taste.
Lately i have gotten very busy,i got a girl friend,job and exams...leaving me with no time at all and also most of translator are slowly leaving too, that is putting me under lots of pressure,So i have decided to drop BReaction!,ElfenLied,FMA,Mar,NHK,MP0,Biomega and TenTen after our next update.We are STILL doing Berserk and zetman.I am pretty sure someone will pick these drop projects.Sorry that we couldn't continue them and thanks for your support.
Hooray for EvilGenius dropping NHK! (ノ・∀・)ノ
but jinmei is not translating NHK too
More translated NHK plz. :(
Can anyone torrent or otherwise provide the JJ translations? They have taken them off their page...
They're delaying NHK in favor of HIMM/IM/NNT, because they're more pedo.
here are the JJ translations. for 4-ch only
Evil Genius released chapter 15. I thought they dropped it... guess not. It's better than nothing for people who can't read Japanese. Hopefully a better group will pick this up soon. :\
anyone know where I can grab raw images of NHK Ni Yokoso?
Winny and Share, as usual.
where i can see status of evilgenious' translation ??
Considering that three of A-M's series have just been licensed, and a fourth series is just one chapter from completion, I suspect they'll speed up with NHK a fair bit.
They just released a chapter, BTW.
> They just released a chapter, BTW.
( ゚∀゚)人(゚∀゚ )
> Moé - moé is hard to pin down, but "attractively cute" is one way of putting it.
> Possibly a play on "moeru" (to burn), though it isn't written with that kanji. The origin of the word is debatable. We're using the accent mark so that it isn't pronounced like the name of a certain bartender.
I loll'd
Fucking Pokémon!
links plz
Moe is to cute what porn is to sex.
Also, hooray for A-M!
Missed this ealier. Great new chapter!
age for status!
Status is probably AstCd2 is really busy.
( ´,_ゝ`)
RH/ADTRW are thinking about doing NHK...
PS: Has anybody been checking out GOTH (also by Kenji Oiwa), yet?
goth is very good
Thanks for the heads-up! lawl
Cannot find any NHK doujin... why is that?
so ... who exactly is doing NHK now? I can't find it in A-M's homepage, apparently chapter 8 was like, a "secret" release ...
No, it's just been pushed off the front page by newer releases.
Since the end of September, Akatsuki manga seem to have a Kareha based message board:
I made a thread for NHK there, so release questions are probably more appropriate there.
>>137 Awesome!
What's the latest chapter in Japan at the moment?
21 or thereabouts.
The soon-to-be-released Volume 4 should cover chapters 16-20.
I'm kind of surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet.
According to MOON PHASE, there's currently a NHK ni Youkoso anime in production.
Look for NHKにようこそ!
Back from the dead with ch9 joint with A-M
The anime is now official.
Shounen Ace!
Holy awesome this thread just got a lot better.
I recently go the limited edition of vol.4 bundled with Misaki-chan's figure. It's pretty good. You can even strip her clothes and install cat ears on her head.
Man, these people are mean with the mockery.
I second the vote for pics!
Here's the link to a Japanese blog:
So I don't have to take pics myself.
Yeah, 2ch is going to be FURIOUS at us for linking to them.
Chapter 10! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Did you not get the hint the first time? Stop using that dumbass "ttp://" shit!
Not funny, >>160.
Chapter 11!
And I don't see Chapter 10 linked in this thread yet, so
Anything translated past chapter 18?
Evil released 19 yesterday. it's on tokyotoshokan
RAW is better than EG.
No, don't!
I don't get why everyone's whining about eg. They don't seem to be better/worse than any other group.
This seems to be quite hilarious
if every other group is criminally incompetent, maybe.
they didn't get the name of the lolicon model in ch. 3 when it was SPELLED OUT IN KATAKANA
misaki tan love
how popularity this comic in america?
already translation into English?
tu-ka koko amerika jin yonden no?
It has only been translated by fans so far.
It has a relatively small but dedicated group of fans.
Is EG's translation really that bad? I really don't care about the names of some lolicon model for some reference I'm not going to get anyways.
Ok.. EG really is bad =(
NHK just got licensed
Hopefully they don't screw it up too much.
Yay for setting the bar really low in the slight chance they might meet it
If the bar is really low, wouldn't it be difficult to limbo under it? That being the case, wouldn't it be better for the bar to set higher?
They can't do worse than EG...
If you're a translator then why not help them out instead of hating so hard. It's one thing to just point out a mistake that could easily be fixed but what's up with hating on an entire group?
>>187 too late to help them now! It's already licensed!
That won't stop anyone from scanlating it
It will stop anyone with a shred of ethics. Which would mean most competent translators.
Also, >>187, did you ever actually try and tell a ego-driven translating group like EG about their mistakes?
>>189 most scanlators stop once it is licensed not only becaue it is goes against the so called fansubbers ethical code of not charging and stopping distribution once it is licensed.
Also, another reason is that there time could be better used by focusing on translating something else since it's a waste of time to translate a manga that is going to be done by a professional company anyway.
So it's been licensed... but the TokyoPop part was just a joke, right? Right?
>>193 Tokyopop only licenses popular and shitty manga. It can't be true!
The tokyopop part isn't a joke
Looks like it's suicide for me.
Tokyopop = 50% good, 50% gay.
So there is a chance it'll turn out good.
That falls into the 50% gay. Tokyopop hoped that Initial was going to be really popular over here and went ahead and mangled it. I think they even tried to get it on Cartoon Network...
Thank God for scanlations.
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I resent that :-p Gay can be good, very good too.
However, screwing things up is bad.
Thanks to this manga, I now think "whoa, that's SOO moe!" every time I see an in any way injured girl.
All rise for the entrance of Alexander to this unworthy thread!
Why isn't it licencied in France T__T
You lucky american guy
NHK is a soo great manga!
Hey did you guys knows that NHK is going to be an anime this summer ?
Sorry about all the deleted posts. They were an unrelated Japanese AA story. Considering how long it was, I didn't want them to take over the thread. Now, back to talking about NHK!
New chap is out by Evil Genius
> Discussion of where to acquire licenced series or material isn't allowed.
And Evil Genius just further confirms their status as nothing but a bunch of ego whores who have no appreciation whatsoever for fan translation as a whole.
Tokyopop's Vol.1 should be out in October.
As I recall, Evil Genius has a strong fan/staff base in the netherlands. So, before you run around calling groups/people ego whores or whatever you're getting off on. Chill, realize no one cares what you think, and consider the objective viewpoint. <3 Idyll.
The objective viewpoint that they're translating stuff that is already licensed in the language they are translating into, and that they themselves could buy just as easily as anyone in the US? The objective viewpoint that they are blatantly violating fansubbing ethics, which is largely what allows fansubbers to keep doing what they do even when it's technically illegal?
If they were translating into Dutch I wouldn't say anything, but where you happen to live really have very little do with any of this. And neither has wheter or not anyone cares what I think.
Quit your crying, bitch.
that is a good way to admit that the other guy in an argument is right.
arguing on the internet lol
By telling a crying bitch to shut his shithole? Um, ok. Bitchboy.
can't you all just shut up?
By failing to answer an accusation and just thinking swearing makes you win the argument.
This is the grown-up internet. Please grow up if you're going to be posting here.
Umm, I was wondering, which manga/novel came first, Genshiken or NHK?
NHK (Novel) - First published January 2002
Genshiken - First serialized June 2002
>>278 why should I seriously answer a crying internet bitch? or care about winning an internet argument with a random retard? lol :)
you're the only one left arguing, dude.
No, just stating I'm right. It's not like I waste any real effort on random internet nobodies.
>>283 is trying so hard it's almost funny.
Here's a quarter, kid. Now run along and stop bothering the grown-ups, OK?
Hey, it's an obvious case of Last Word syndrome! Let's see how long we can make him post replies!
On second thought, let's not.
This manga deserves a better thread.
When is it coming out? I need more sob
I'll curse TokyoPop until my final breath.
Since I'm French, what do you think will be better:
-to buy the NHK japanese manga on yesasia
-to buy the Tokyopop once it will be out
-to keep my scans, and pray for a french licensing
Chapter 24 cover... (*´Д`)ハァハァ
keep your scans if you can't read japanese. if you can, I suppose you can assume it won't be imported, although dr. slump got imported to france before it made it to the U.S...
A lot of stuff gets to France before the US :(((
I have trouble finding decent torrents :(
>I'll curse TokyoPop until my final breath if they in any way edit the objectionable content.
Wait, so are you on TokyoPop's side or not? Your allegiance in this matter seems ambiguous.
Since when has TP ever edited out stuff?
I mean, they fucked up bad before on localizations (INITIAL D D:), but have they ever out right censored anything after their Mixx-zine days? :o
I don't know of them censoring any art, but they did tone down Barasui's loli comments in Strawberry Marshmallow. I guess they have a pretty clean record when it comes to visual content.
I'm torn. I like them for popularizing unflipped manga, cheaper tankobons(sp?), and for titles like Kare Kano and Comic Party. I'm not too pleased with them for the pseudo-deceptive marketing of OEL/MIC books and bipolar stance on localizations.
omg I just readed the latest chapters (22-26) I had no words!!
I saw TP's version at the bookstore.
I did not buy it...!!
Hey, Whats up with evil-genius NHK releases?
v01c4-10,v3c11-14 that labling scheme means random chapters from each volume. Theirs zero seeds on the torrents and v04c16 hasnt happened in the first 15 episodes of the manga so im not sure whats going on. Im gonna buy v01 from TP tomorrow but is their a coherent scanlation group i can pickup the rest of the chapters from??
Vivienne Westwood
You can buy the rest of the volumes from Tokyopop when they come out, you know. They're not only gonna release the first one. As a bonus, you then get a competent translation.
Obviously they wont release just the first volume but they can take their sweet time releasing the rest and im not one to read one volume then wait 3 months after ive forgotten everything and go buy the next
you've got a pretty short attention span!
Anyone have a link to the novels?
Why the fuck would someone want to wait 6 months or more for the manga to catch up where you are in stores, when you can just download it
Because the warez translators do a fucking shitty job of it?
And holding a good'ole book while leaning n your bed is relaxing?
Don't judge all groups based on EvilGenius' work. The Jinmen Juushin version was solid while it lasted.
In any case, TokyoPop isn't exactly a paragon of quality work, either.
They're both by people.
Most manga scanlations are just as good or better than retail translations, and they usually try to be truer to the plot.
The only probably is that some scanlators sucks, or translate from another language's script. Professional translators never suck that bad.
And they dropped it the second it was licensed, thus not falling under the label "warez translators".
The Tokyopop translation loses to the Jinmen translation occasionally, but overall it's very decent.
i just got the first one from Tokyo Pop randomly and i enjoy it. About scantalation over waiting for the Volumes to come out, i do enjoy scantalations because im imapatient when it comes to a good story, but sometimes reading manga in paper form is just...better than on the computer screen, that is unless you print em out. I usually just get the scans and then
North Korea thinks that I sell a nuclear weapon to Islam radical group from lack of funds at last.
I think that it is a crisis of a nucleus for U.S.A.
This is a job for... Silmido man!!
He can kill north Koreans in a single bound.
I just got the first book as well. I was especially pleased to see that they don't appear to have censored it in any way, something I was afraid would happen when it was released in English. For example they leave in the bit where he snorts crack and talks to the appliances.
Wish there still fan scanlation out there.
I got one off of a torrent site somewhere.
It seems to be Korean common sense
Jesus Christ is a Korean
Tom Cruise is a Korean
Carl Lewis is a Korean
Michael Jordan is a Korean
Queen Elizabeth is a Korean
American ancestors are Koreans
A Korean forges it
Does anyone have vol6 translated? What if any groups are doing scans for NHK?
> Discussion of where to acquire licenced series or material isn't allowed.
Im sorry, im new to the thread and iv'e read it through fast.
I just got ahold of 'Evil_Genius's translation of the manga (volumes 1-5) but im not sure if i should wait reading it, and try to get ahold of other "better" translations?
Is Evil_Genius really bad?
You should buy it.
I should yes, but im not asking where to get it, im just asking if there are any better fantranslations than Evil_Genius.
i think evil genius nhk manga translations are pretty good..well no need to worry
They are good, it just takes ages for a new chapter. Not that I blame them though, they are working on a lot of projects and doing a very good job. At least if its slow its not rushed.
And do any of you actually know any Japanese so that you have any chance of judging if they are good or not?
I bought volume 1 and 2 and I love it. I have seen the anime already too. And 327. Stop with the korean joke crap. none of those are korean and just stop it. Your just ashaming your self... This is comoing from a korean.
I'm greatly enjoying this manga, and though I have the anime, I've only watched the first two episodes; At first, I was trying to find and download the scans, but once it was picked up & officially published in english, I just started picking up the volumes; Well worth it, as it's funny, and offers very interesting characters..
evil genius translations fucking suck
That's nice, but I wasn't asking you, was I?
hi kenji u suck?
Not caring doesn't make me suck. But I like how you copied my question format.
So you basically just wanted to show off that you can write a word in Japanese?
No, I was answering your question. I'll give you the fact that I did indeed miss who you were addressing, but no more than that.
You're hilarious, kid.
Somebody's got a case of Last Word Syndrome.
Look, lose the name and learn to post anonymously. That way, maybe you won't end up annoying everyone by being unable to walk away from an argument.
LOLno :D
Last Word Syndrome, dude. Seek Treatment.
It's a good thing that there's a little ID bar on the side, or else people would be hijacking your name.
Somebody's got a case of Last Word Syndrome. Seek Treatment.
Somebody's got a case of Last Word Syndrome. Seek Treatment.
yo! anyone know when chapter 37 comes out?
Man, the anime was like less than a quarter of how fucked up the manga is. Seriously. I'm glad I saw that first, because I'd be rather disappointed with the rather fast and loose adaptation the studio did.
Kind of like first seeing the movie and then reading the book. Not to say the anime wasn't good, but... ha ha ha.
Dude, wait until you've read the novel it's based on.
The novel's been licenced too. Definitely can't wait.
>>359 October 9th is when the novel is released... which is also my birthday
Well Evil Genius aren't going to release it any time soon, maybe 4chan will translate it?
It was pretty awesome reading the manga after the anime, actually. I was totally caught by surprise when the plots divurged.
I don't mean to be a troll, but am I the only one who thought the Anime was better than the manga?
I guess there's no real point in trying to compare two different media, but suffice it to say that I found the anime more compelling than the manga. Some of the frenetic art and crassier humor is made at the characters' expense and doesn't really do much to strengthen the work. The anime is believable slice-of-life whilst the manga is a jumpy cartoon.
Yes, you are the only one.
Like the manga, the anime was nigh legendary good for the first few episodes. About until the heavy drama started. Then it started to feel like... I don't know, like the director was waving a finger at the general public and going "tut tut"? Like a DARE "soft touch" propaganda vid, exploring a topic through the worst of all examples.
Still liked it though. And I suppose there isn't all that much material in the depths of otakuhood once hug pillows and maid cafes have been tapped. (Nothing that could be put into an anime anyway.)
Well, I would have liked them to be more truthful to the Hikikomori lifestyle. I guess it's more of a challenge to have your protagonist interface with the world around him via 2ch than in more conventional drama-setting. The Anime didn't make a SINGLE reference to 2ch, did the manga? what's with that?? I mean, he's a hiki right? What's with this guy going outside as early as episode one?
To that extent I think the writer copped out a bit on the subject of hikis.
They show a much more serious case later on, of course. I think it's just that the main character isn't really a bad case.
I think there's a quick reference to 2ch at the end of one of the last two or three episodes, a fake screencap or some such. But no, there's not a lot of intaanetto in the anime. (Or the manga, as I've understood.) Perhaps this is a sacrifice before the altar of entertainment, perhaps even a good one; I wouldn't've watched it if it'd been just a handful of frames for an entire episode, four of which would be him in front of his computer with his hands in slightly different positions, looped to show him typing.
Anyway, it's implied that the main character (I hesitate to call him protagonist) has spent weeks on end indoors.
Indeed they do. Pissbottles, horrible hygiene, and mmorpg's. Not a pretty sight.
I love how this manga builds you up on comedy during the first volume and then slowly drives you to feeling deeply depressed for the characters. Giving slight bits of possible glimmers of hope for a turn-around in the character's situations, then stomps them out, leaving them even worse XD
I have to wonder about the pissbottle thing. Assuming they aren't wearing a catheter or something, isn't it less of a hassle to just go to the damned toilet when you need to? Compared to uncorking a bottle and positioning your filthy willy appropriately. (Or using a funnel. Gak!) I just don't see the net gain there, unless the toilet is like fifty meters down the hall or something... I mean, it's not like they keep playing while they void their bladders into the bottle, right?
Of course the truly hardcore person would just control his fluid intake so they'd only take a leak when they took a dump too. Not that the sort of person who'd get hooked on mmorpgs could be accused of being too rational in any case.
I thought they bottled poops too. That's what people here used to say all the time.
Are the lat 2chapters already scanlated?
I need chapter 39 and 40 ;)
Ahhh..... i need those last 2 chapters, I REALLY NEED THEM.
Try here:
Why, do you want to suck my dick?
Why nobody has scanlated the two last chapters yet? :(((
Where Can I purchase the Misaki figurine
What are the scanlaters doing? :(
Probably beating off to scanlations of Kodomo no Jikan.
Actually are the raws?
OMG, where are some scanlaters to do the LAST 2 CHAPTERS OF THIS GREAT MANGA?!!
it seems the scanlators have dropped it!!
man, even if there were RAWS, i would read them.......
The last 2 chapters have been released by evil genius.
I had no idea this'd been licensed, gonna buy the books off Amazon ASAP!!
Definitely buy the novel. It's more pure than the manga, although the manga has more content (read: filler.)
Yup, I'm intending to pick that book up, it only costs $8 or whatever. Am I right in assuming it's a light novel?
I finished reading it in two hours so I think it qualifies for that status. But the English version is somewhat larger than one would usually imagine a light novel to be in Japan.
It's not a light novel (young adult novel). It's just a novel with an illustration on the cover (it doesn't even have interior illustrations in the light novel fashion).
Great book, buy now, ect.
I repeat, it's not a fucking light novel you assclown. Who cares what some asses on google say?
If it's not a light novel then it's shorter than a light novel. It took me longer to read Shana than NHK.
That makes no sense. Shana has a smaller page count (200 pages vs. 230+ pages) and has HUGE text, while NHK has relatively small text.
NHK has relatively small text but the lines aren't exactly crammed together. Either way it definitely took only two hours to read.
Well, all I can say is that 1)I had the opposite experience with those two books, and b)It's not a fucking light novel!
Anyway, this is just a pointless argument of semantics. It's a good book either way!
Wtf I need the scans arggg, please help :(
Fine, then it's a featherweight novel.
It's a good book either way!
I totally agree !
yippie...i read the two last chapters.
and expected, it is not a happy ending!
Can someone please tell me which chapters correspond to which volume? :x
I know there are 8 volumes and 40 chapters...
I reckon the ending of the manga sucked. It was an abrupt ending, and the conclusion didn't explicitly tell us how the characters were afterwars, leaving it to our imagination. I hate it when that happens- rounded off endings, I mean. Just by reading that ending, how can we be sure Sato won't just descend into being a loser just like every previous way?
Ive just finished reading the NHK novel.
[spoilers]In the end, the story wasn't at all satisfying. I liked how yamazaki was more fleshed out in the novel than in the manga. However, the conclusion of the novel was at the same ntoe as the manga. It finished with some crapped up crazy events and an inconvincing suggestion that the characters were now happy and on the road to being productive members of society.
Wut? So now Satou, after failing several hundred times, can suddenly getoff his ass and do productive work? Yamazaki found a wife, after bitching endlessly about how real women are disgusting?
I feel that the author just half-assed the ending. Man, I just HATE crap endings.[spoilers]
Crap spoiler tags
LOL it's like the idiot expected them to actually work.
Hey, Im not denying that im an idiot :)
You know, the author can't just pull out a suicide, which is the most probable happening, since this manga wouldn't be permitted?
Neither couldn't he pull off a really delusional happy ending for Sato.
Like you said, he has failed XXX times....why now?
The ending is consisting of crappy moral of the society ->
Accept your fucking fate and just go to work and serve for society.
Happieness is just most probably a illusion for the most of the people in the world.
A pity that the other one (from suicide pact) saved Sato from the Carbon Monoxide in the tent.
I have to say, I felt slightly dissatisfied about how the manga ended..
I felt that after all the problems, it tied up too neatly.
Still, I enjoyed it overall.
I'm not happy with the ending of manga too, but anime version has a better ending i think.
Anime ending is closer to the novel at least.
I first read this online. I recently bought all of them though because I liked it so much. But when I first read it I thought there were only 38 chapters so I thought the end of chapter 38 was it. Although It was very depressing it makes sense. The manga though is so full of emotion though I don't think I've ever read anything else that made me feel so much. I liked the actual ending though even though it was more unrealistic it wasn't that unrealistic. Satou and Yamazaki were still trying to make a galge and Satou was still unemployed. I loved it though my favorite manga by far