Any Kaiji fans out there? (6)

1 Name: Random Manga Otaku 2004-12-06 12:45 ID:Heaven [Del]

Or anything else Fukumoto Nobuyuki related (Kin to Gin, Ten, Akagi, Kurosawa, Buraiden Gai)?

2 Name: X68000♪ 2004-12-06 14:42 ID:Heaven [Del]

i like kaijuu~♪
but what is Kaiji? I heard of Kurosawa the director but i dont think i have seen anything from him (if you mean him xD). Me has only seen a few japanese non-anime movies

3 Name: Random Manga Otaku 04/12/16(Thu)14:06 ID:qvwBZLj8 [Del]

I like Kaiji,too. But My favorite book is AKAGI in Book attributed to Fukumoto.
He is the best mah-jongg player!
I'm always impressed his fiendish cleverness.

4 Name: Random Manga Otaku 05/02/06(Sun)02:04 ID:iIJtP3mV

"Perika" is the base currency in my house since we read Kaiji.
"Yakuman shibari" is the basic rule in my house since we read Akagi.

5 Name: = 。= 2005-07-29 16:45 ID:Heaven

            __       _人人_
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      .//   -、_  ̄_, ヘi     _) Why dot't you         (_
.       l L ⌒ヽ,, ̄,/│   _) make a Fukumoto theread (_
      l.n.|  -,  、- |    _)       on the ASCII Boad?(_
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6 Name: = 。= 2005-07-29 16:48 ID:Heaven


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