Nanori :( (8)

1 Name: gup_ 05/01/21(Fri)17:01 ID:diTUDsol

Hi peeps,
I was looking at a Riroland doujinshi today and I can't find a way to romanize the two author's nicknames:

For the first one, me and my pals thought about Kuuya but it just sounds wrong...
As for the second one, Hiroyuki Satomi would fit, but it doesn't sound right at all either.
If anyone knows how to read these names, please help. ;)

2 Name: - 05/01/22(Sat)00:25 ID:qoPj08q2

sora nue
satomi hiroyuki

says my kanji converter(!)

3 Name: Random Manga Otaku 05/01/22(Sat)03:24 ID:Heaven

You'd probably do better asking in on the Japanese board.

4 Name: gup_ 05/01/22(Sat)19:50 ID:5hm3BJc2

Yeah right, I'll do so.
thank you for trying >>2
but I don't think this will help much. ;)

5 Name: Anonononymous!9.nW.wxFfs 05/01/31(Mon)22:06 ID:v1TPLE9Z

Oy gup_, if you had asked me in hm-p I could have told you that 空鵺 is くうや (kuuya), a legendary bird.. I have of his/her hmangas.. Satomi Hiroyuki is correct, tho..

6 Name: Random Manga Otaku 05/01/31(Mon)23:25 ID:Heaven

> hm-p


7 Name: gup_ 05/01/31(Mon)23:33 ID:Heaven

As I told you already, this was posted before I asked you... Outdated now.
Yes but shhh, let's stay quiet. ;)

8 Name: Anonononymous!9.nW.wxFfs 05/02/03(Thu)23:19 ID:Heaven

sorry, didnt pay attention to the date of the initial post x_o;

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