Is (5)

1 Name: Random Manga Otaku 2005-04-16 09:34 ID:f86W7Uck

Wow. Suddenly I see that this has began being released in America.
For a couple years I have put it on all "What manga would you like translated next?" petitions of companies I see. I am so glad to finally see it released!

Let us share our joy for Is in America!

2 Name: 返信 2005-04-16 14:10 ID:lSIvueJo

intarnet was your friend

3 Name: Random Manga Otaku 2005-04-26 16:27 ID:yPciTbtz

now if only Viz hadn't raped the hell out of it
damn I hate Viz

4 Name: Random Manga Otaku 2005-04-26 22:03 ID:Heaven

What was wrong with it? I read through volume one pretty quickly but I honestly didn't see anything that jumped out at me for being too bad. Maybe just a few silly translations..
The <<READ THIS WAY reminder is terribly annoying though.
Also some of the sound effect translations are a little annoying. The fonts they use for them aren't always that great either.

I am just glad it is here. Lonely males of the US rejoice.

5 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2007-05-02 11:04 ID:+kWp6t1/

Yes I love this series so much...and I thank them for bringing it over to the us!

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