Looking for scenes in Hellsing (3)

1 Name: Yakumo Yakumo Yakumo Tugumi 2005-05-07 18:49 ID:vTXVgQB4

I am looking for scenes where Alucard and Anderson are facing each other at very close distance. Would be better if they are both grinning evilly and if Anderson is doing his famous blade-cross pose.
I tried to find one, but could only find the cover of "Young King" Vol. 6 2005. However, they are not really facing each other... but that pose is correct.
Anyone remember any scenes like that in the manga?

2 Name: 卍Nega!H.ohDUCkFg 2005-08-15 20:22 ID:XAKYEJHj

There are two if I remember from the MANGA, not the Anime.

The first is Anderson vs Alucard sided with Seres.
Basically, Anderson "purifies" the battleground, then battle commences, and after a few seconds of shooting, Anderson stings multiple blades into Alucard, thinking he's killed him. etc etc etc

Second fight takes place near the museum/trainstation, the manga, does not include this fight as Seres diverts it with tourists. the anime has a battle on the train and cuts alucard's head off, only to activate a higher level of alucard. Almost finishes Alexander, but he dissapears.

Hope this helps, and I'm assuming you mean the first one.
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3 Name: 卍Nega!H.ohDUCkFg 2005-08-15 20:30 ID:XAKYEJHj

My previous post went off of track, sorry!
Here are some pages I found that are similar to what you're looking for:
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