Iron Wok Jan (3)

1 Name: MJP!UyIEvIA9Mg 2005-10-16 23:14 ID:OkMSS7A0

Does anyone here read this series?

Its laden with spelling and grammar errors in the basics of English all over the place, but it's pretty damn good for a shonen manga. My big thing about it is that I probably won't ever find a Chinese restaurant, even in NYC or San Francisco's Chinatowns, that serves dishes at all like in IWJ.

Any thoughts?

2 Name: Random Manga Otaku 2005-10-17 04:37 ID:mt33HGmI

chinatown places sell you, the foreigner, the greasy stuff they know you like, and then eat totally different stuff themselves.

but fuck if i don't like some seafood chow mein!

3 Name: MJP!6BUz54j/mA 2005-10-17 20:28 ID:EhuSlmEG


We should continue this line of thought in /food.

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