Milk Closet (4)

1 Name: Shii 2005-11-28 16:46 ID:/6ZnYw3F

You know how Narutaru is Pokemon on crack, and Yume Tsukai is Sailor Moon on crack? Well, if Narutaru and Yume Tsukai had a crack baby and it had a bad acid trip when it was 9 years old, that would be Milk Closet.

Milk Closet is about a preteen multidimensional insect-fighting team who bear dolphin-things sticking out of their butts. It's by Hitoshi Tomizawa, the creator of Alien Nine, but that's just a ruse to get you to try to read it.

Why does Afternoon specialize in manga that fuck you up? I still can't get this crap out of my head a full 12 hours later. I thought Narutaru and Yume Tsukai were amusing, but I'd rather have not read this. Enjoy.

2 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-11-29 13:15 ID:v5yeL7Qt

Alien 9 is the cute and happy version of Milk Closet. It really is disturbing.

It also has some wonderful art.

3 Name: Shii 2005-11-29 13:18 ID:/6ZnYw3F

Update: It is now 30 hours later and visions of that meat grinder thing are still bobbing through my head.

4 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2005-11-30 12:52 ID:Heaven

Also, needs more last volume.

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