Kashimashi (Girl Meets Girl) (6)

4 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2006-03-14 23:22 ID:qfCOZG/L


It's entertaining because it's three young schoolgirls in love! And so in your pathetic nothingness of life, you invision yourself in the place of Hazumu, with the tyranny of choice. The drama, the love, the emotions! With nobody in your life, you proceed to attach yourselves to the characters, thinking you're actually them, until you finally step back and realize it's just a comic, and they don't exist.

Drama comics with idealistic tendencies tend to do this. All subconciously, too. Thats why you feel anxious when something bad happens. Thats why you feel fear when a character cries. Because through it all, the idealism seems so real and beautiful. It's an escape. Reality is a desolate place where dreams are killed every second. Stories where happiness lasts forever seduce us and make us feel better. It's like an intellectual drug.

lol shitcock

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