would any one be kind enough to tell me how many chapters r there in emma a vitorian romance also, would they be kind enough to tell me what is the manga ending .i am unable to get after chap 49 as the manga is now not transalated not sold in india.
It isn't finished yet. In later episode, Emma was abducted and sold away to America.
Where she met a man named Chuck Norris...
Who took her to the wild west of Texas...
...where they settled down and eked out a moderate living, producing and selling a variety of gourmet cheeses.
You guys...
you really think I'm lying?
That really helps. Not everyone can read moonspeak yet.
Nuts to the guy who broke the gag. I wanted to see how Emma would fare in a cheese based shonen quest manga. Competing against progressively finer cheese makers of the southwest! Will her humble English Stilton take her to the top or will the devious Monterey Jack's secret blend of fungi and chiles win the day?
Do you mean that in a good or a bad way?
I mean it in an "Oh my god" way. Which could be good or bad depending on execution.
lol ambiguity
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Emma finished in this month's issue of Comic Beam magazine!
Waaaaaaahhhhh... 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。