Del Rey proves it's the only manga licensor you can trust (41)

1 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2006-09-06 03:28 ID:H9O0QBr9
After licensing Air Gear, Del Rey announced they would not censor it like CMX did with Oh Great's other popular work, Tenjo Tenge. And what happens? On the release of the first volume they're caught editing dialogue to remove a reference to a rape. Normally this would result in fans gnashing their teeth and venting on the internet while the company remains mute or dismissive and goes ahead with production.

In this case, almost unbelievably, they admitted they were wrong in editing the content and pledged to restore the original text on the next printing. All this not from just a faceless company rep or press release, but from the individual employee responsible for the edit!

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