Del Rey proves it's the only manga licensor you can trust (41)

27 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2007-08-10 21:11 ID:GeviANMb

I like Del Rey's releases the best... They always seem to have really good quality and good translation notes at the back.

Viz is my least favorite publisher that ironically, always ends up translating my favorite series' >_>;;

Their sound effects are a bit too extreme for me. I like the original Japanese, with just a smaller sound effect next to it.
Viz doesn't always include translation notes, and that bugs me sometimes.

Yeah, I always wondered if anyone else noticed that.

I'd be reading, and all these white things would come snowing off the book when I turned the page T_T
No matter how much you brush them off, there's always more >_>;; Sometimes, it seems like they cut too much off, because some words are cut off...

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