Korean Manwha- have you read any? (15)

1 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2007-01-09 10:50 ID:qNNsX5Y9

I was skeptical about its quality but Unbalance x Unbalance changed my mind. Are there any must-read quality Manwhas out there besides this?

2 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2007-01-11 15:14 ID:y26NkeAb

manga prevail

3 Name: Captain Squid : 2007-01-11 15:59 ID:gJ9pyAsM

I had a friend who swore by "Priest." He collected all the volumes. I never read them, but they looked pretty good. The art was very western.

Also, there was a Warcraft Manwha. Take that for what you will.

4 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2007-01-11 17:20 ID:8hHqhP0j

Island is great as well. It's about some guy running around and killing monsters for a hot slut. Plus he was Buddah's arch enemy.

5 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2007-01-12 09:52 ID:f0I+2NAg

is ragnarok: into the abyss a manwha? cuz I read it

6 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2007-01-13 16:36 ID:jUPhrjjq


7 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2007-01-13 16:39 ID:jUPhrjjq



8 Name: Fraaaaag : 2007-01-15 23:29 ID:RaiK6+BD

I've been reading DVD & Cant lose you
they're pretty good considering its a korean author & not japanese.
i dont like american manga tho.

9 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2007-01-16 04:57 ID:Heaven

Priest has a problem: it loves to get lost in the details.

The sudden leap to the future just to study the minutiae of the past was a bit much. It becomes a tale within a tale within a tale, and stops having anything to do with an undead cowboy.

10 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2007-01-17 10:17 ID:kmgBPUkY

The only Manwha i've looked at is Ragnarok. Maybe because I play the game too, but i'm not into most the manga anyway. Anime/Games ftw.

11 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2007-01-19 17:27 ID:mao8pIfw

12 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2007-01-22 18:51 ID:25AJHjtO

That's actually a Japanese classic translated into Korean. Or were you making a subtle Nida joke?

Good manhwa... I've read many but they always fail to measure up in some department. I really like Goong but that's based on the strength of the story rather than the art. It was recently licensed so look for it in the shops as the scanslations aren't particularly good.

Most recently I read The Way This Boy Lives which seemed very promising but in the end disappointed me. The artist is good and draws pretty girls and traps, but does not put much thought into overall character design. I giggled at the main girl sitting at her school desk with flowers braided into her hair. Very pretty but by rights she would have been laughed out of the class. In the final volume I was waiting for a climax, but instead the story went off on a tangent involving gangsters. The final page turns out to be a note from the scanslators, saying the artist had dropped the series. Why try and drag out the manhwa with that stupid gangster arc if you were going to up and drop it? Alright, so maaaybe it was the publisher pulling the plug, but if it's not selling well then that should be a signal to just wrap it up. Most shoujo stories don't age well, becoming progressively less interesting as the volume count increases.

13 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2007-01-28 00:35 ID:H+Ry3Z7Q


That's Manwha, right?

14 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2007-01-28 18:23 ID:q50DvA78

ban hon sa is a must

15 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2007-01-28 22:23 ID:I3NrbHGh

Unbalance x unbalance is rather amusing.

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