Do you think this to be interesting or think it is trivial?
It is the person situation.
It overlapped ・・・ I'm sorry.
It overlapped ・・・ I'm sorry.
It is indeed easy to think this to be trivial.
However, I think it is very interesting when reading from a little different
too bad I don't understand since it's japanese.
If I click "English Here" of top right corner of a page?
Either troll, or op is bablefishing + self response.
viral marketing anyone?
He seem to have begun English translation.( ´,_ゝ`)プッ
It is a little interesting.
He is it seems to have been able to translate it into English.
There is no person.
It's cool.
But that translation isn't understandable at all for the most part.
Continue, though.
Thank you for assistance.
The translation uses software.
I am making an effort.
However, I think that there is a thing that cannot be understood, too.
Please imagine there.
I can't speak english.
My compliments. The ones I understand are brilliant.
Do you know someone who speaks English? Maybe he can help.
Regrettably, I don't have the acquaintance of the foreigner.
By the way, I want to show this site to a lot of persons.
Is there some good way?
The 2 coma series is nice. Keep up the good work and I'm sure people will come.
It understood.
Thank you!
But I am using a Adsense.
There is not a click at all.
What is it good if doing?
Advertising doesn't do much good if no one is clicking. lolol
Taikutsugana? A demanding shoe shelf?
I've got a little idea now I've seen the last few cartoons, you could make a couple of ones that don't have text (or only some sound effects) so everyone can understand them easily. It would be a change in direction, but you could give it a shot.
Yes,I'm thinking it.
I'm try it.
Thank you!
Good lucky!
I smile'd.
And I won't be here for a week, bai.
Bai bee!
Oh, and don't forget to keep it nice and depressive.
I making no text manga.
Very thanks!
No problem, I hope for many more crazy comics!