I just finished the latest installment of the manga One Piece. Luffy and the gang are still on Thriller Bark and have defeated Moria and DR. Hogback. Also Luffy has recovered very fast due to Zoro's noble action(I won't get into it more to spoil). So everybody is partying and stuff and Luffy mentions the whale that he and his crew met (Laboon)to Brooke.,......that leades me into the question of, Will Brooke join the crew and if so who will be the last since in the beginning of the series, Luffy says that he will only need 10 for his crew. Also Brooke is a great choice because, since Zoro and Nami joined, Luffy says he has always wanted a musician for his crew.i.e. Brooke. So do you think Brooke will join, or not ?
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the manga has advanced alot now lol...i love it so much :D
Someone will explode, and he/she will survive. Someone gets shot and he/she will survive. Someone gets thousand bolt volt in their bodies and they will survive. etc etC..
Read it on Onemanga.com
They're updated^^