fav quotes from various manga (68)

1 Name: soccerfuu9 : 2008-05-03 05:46 ID:KTnEKaQG

post your fav quotes here...

I'll start...but I have a feeling I'll post (to the most) three times before anyone else does).

From "Hoshi no Koe (with alterations from my experience of transitioning from high school to college):

...to me..."

There are so many things that conjure up emotion...

The softness of dirt in spring...

Clouds in the summer sky...

The smell of the autumn wind...
The sound of raindrops on a silk umbrella...

The chill in the air on the way home from school...

The scent of the "whiteboard" eraser...

The sound of a distant "bus" driving away in the night...

Or the safe and comforting feel of a "little Mexican Restaurant" late at night...

Those feelings...

All those feelings...

I want to share all those feelings with you...

We are..

Both here...

..Because we're destined to meet again.

2 Name: soccerfuu9 : 2008-05-03 05:47 ID:KTnEKaQG

From "Kare Kano":

Life keeps turning and turning...
Children become parents whose children become parents...
Each hoping that the next generation will be happy...
...while they struggle for their own happiness.


All of these spiral around in this world.
Without knowing how much time we have, we fumble...
...and swim throuhg life's murky waters.

I'm still finding my way in life.
And I see my friends are, too.

We want to experience everything life has to offer.

My dream is to die thinking,
"Wow, that was fun. I'm tired."

That's right.

Our lives are just starting to get interesting.

3 Name: soccerfuu9 : 2008-05-03 05:48 ID:KTnEKaQG

From "Ai-Ren"

It's cold...



What is this?

I'm scared...

I'm scared...

It's ok...

Don't be afraid...

This world...


...cheering you on...

Waiting for you,

welcoming you,

Listen carefully.

What arethose opening the door for you saying?

What are they saying to you?

Be brave, and open your eyes.

There are many people...

...and a beautiful world waiting to greet you.

The future, from here on out...

There will be times when you may feel small or unattractive...

...times when the world may seem as cold as stone...

...times so painful that you can't even cry...

But, don't be afraid.

That's how it's supposed to be.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

Don't forget,

Right now,

everything in this world...

...is blessing you...

...with their entire body and soul..!!

Don't forget,

You are irreplaceable.
You were born out of love.

** My quote

It is times like this when an infant is born...
when a child is being introduced to his or her community...
when someone is leaving for new endeavors...
when someone is ready to graduate from their learning environment...

it will hurt...
it will be scary...
and it will not be easy...


everyone around...
whether friend, family, or stranger...
will be around for support...
because no one is ever alone...

This is to those who are ready to walk towards the gates of heaven...
This is to those ready to walk for the first time on Earth...


there is always a light...
shining in front of you...


4 Name: soccerfuu9 : 2008-05-03 05:48 ID:KTnEKaQG

From "Kare First Love":

When you like someone,
other than "liking" them,
you feel "insecure" too...

This kind of insecurity,
it turned into a small portion
of what you're feeling
because you also feel love?

5 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2008-05-03 12:37 ID:Heaven


6 Name: Sen : 2008-05-05 20:56 ID:e5rHywTN

Deathnote -
"I would hate to live in a world without light!!"
"Yes, that would be very dark"

7 Name: soccerfuu9 : 2008-05-07 22:48 ID:Omc7rIH2

When our lives halt,
when we look back...

When we cry,
when we smile...

When we are uncertain,
when we are confused...

Slowly but surely...

Realizing the important things in life

This youthful season is our...

"Salad Days"

("My salad days,
when I was green in judgement"
from Anthony and Cleopatra
*To reminisce about the past)

8 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2008-05-09 03:52 ID:T4V4lLjr

From "FLCL"

"To be a boy is to be a fool... and being a fool is pure bliss."

9 Name: bookee : 2008-05-27 05:58 ID:cGcWVzvV

Death Note:

"L, do you know gods of death love apples?"

I know, very simple, but I found it funny

10 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2008-05-27 13:42 ID:3DMICY4r

"It got hard." - Sasahara, Genshiken

11 Name: Sora-kun : 2008-05-29 03:10 ID:Sx5AnLaO

If a person is happy with their surroundings, it doesn't make sense to discard things that are important to them.

-Ai Kora

12 Name: Sora-kun : 2008-05-29 08:01 ID:Sx5AnLaO

"You love me, right? Make me love you more! Hachibei! So that a stupid girl like me, enough so that I can become honest... You need to Dazzle me a lot,lot more!"

-Tenmaku Sakurako, Ai Kora

13 Name: Sen : 2008-06-02 20:45 ID:e5rHywTN

The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference

-Nobaru no ou

I second both those quotes!!
Ai kora is awesome.

14 Name: Sen : 2008-06-02 22:28 ID:e5rHywTN

I just found out my quote is not an quote from an anime or a manga. It was included on chapter 10 of Nabari no ou (I got the name wrong too!! How annoying) and I presumed it was made up by Kamatani Yuhki. But it wasn't. It was said by Mother Theresa, so I feel very embarrassed for misquoting. Sorry. I doubt anyone would have noticed if I had not said anything, but still.

15 Name: Sora-kun : 2008-06-04 00:58 ID:zAms5guh

Life is always more interesting when it has an "edge" to it.
-Urd, Ah! My Goddess

The more you are hurt at the parting, the more it proves the depth of your love.
-Belldandy, Ah! My Goddess

"Cool. You like Bikes?"
"Nope, I hate them."
"It hurts when you crash. And my dumb sister doesn't even care. So who'd even want to ride the dumb things?
"What are you talking about? Bikes are fun BECAUSE they can crash! The thrill is keeping something under control when it wants to wipe out."
-Sentaro & Skuld, Ah! My Goddess

There is still a lot more. But i'm gonna stop for now^^

16 Name: Sora-kun : 2008-06-04 02:21 ID:zAms5guh

For the hell of it, here's another one...

"I have something... I want to tell Skuld."
"Wait. Important things must be conveyed through Sentaro-kuns own lips"
-Belldandy & Sentaro, Ah! My Goddess

17 Name: Random Manga Otaku : 2008-06-04 02:40 ID:7rOc3ia2

"As I watched you enjoying yourself, my honest spirit was set on fire."
-Hoshino, Love Roma

"Are you cool?"
"20% more than everyone else"

"I'll apologize by killing myself!"

"I would be healthier if you let me feel your boob!"

-Various characters, Love Roma

18 Name: Sora-kun : 2008-06-04 10:30 ID:zAms5guh

"Why are trying to stop me! Are you not my ally?!?"
"No. I'm not anyones ally. Because i'm... the ally of Love!"
-Ai Kora

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