Here is a doujin music project I'm undertaking.
The basic idea is to turn some well-known moe denpa songs, starting with "Neko Mimi Mode", into extreme metal cover versions.
The demos on the website are still far from complete (no bass, drums and death metal voice are faked, etc), but they'll evetually be redone from scratch with a full band.
So tell me your opinions....
To be honest I can't say much positive things about it. Other than the fact that the original song is pretty much irrecognisable in this version of Neko Mimi Mode, the whole concepts is kind of... let me put it this way:
Let's say a moe denpa song is a cute, innocent 9 year-old girl. In that case, making an extreme metal version of this song would be like a tentacle monster deflowering said cute, innocent 9 year old girl. Now, while I am guilty of being a not4chan regular, I am not a particulary big fan of tentacles. Having a music representation of this is not within my taste.
Since when is Neko Mimi Mode considered denpa, though?
Neko Mimi Mode is based on Dmitri from Paris' Love Love Mode, which is Shibuya-kei music. Not quite denpa.
I do like this metal version of Sakuranbo Kiss I have, though, so the concept is sound. I didn't listen to >>1's songs, though.
You say a moe denpa song is like a cute, innocent 9-year-old girl?
Hell no, moe denpa songs are downright EVIL creations. They're heavily calculated with hooks here and there to POLLUTE YOUR MIND.
Indeed the original song is almost unrecognizable in my version of "Neko Mimi Mode". Well, at first I tried to insert in the middle of the song a guitar solo following the original melody, but it just sounded forced no matter what. Plus I can't play solos properly anyway, so I decided to drop it.
Of course I know "Neko Mimi Mode" is based on "Love Love Mode", but there's still significant differences between the two songs. "Neko Mimi Mode" was re-arranged in typical moe denpa fashion to accompany the brainwashing OP of Tsukuyomi. It's totally moe denpa. No doubt.
How come I didn't know there's a metal version of "Sakuranbo Kiss"!? Who made it, and it's played in what style of metal?
You're a silly guy. But regaredless of whether there's any truth in your silly statements or not, the analogy still stands if you look at it in relative terms. Seeing queen Beryl raped by an evil, adult tentacle monster (as opposed to your kindergarten variety tentacle monster) is still no pretty sight.
>"Neko Mimi Mode" was re-arranged in typical moe denpa fashion to accompany the brainwashing OP of Tsukuyomi.
It might have been adapted to appeal to otaku, but that doesn't automatically make it denpa. Akiba pop, maybe. And while denpa is currently considered Akiba pop, it's not synonymous to it.
By the way... you've been using the term 'moe denpa' and so have I in >>2 for the sake of consistency, but is there any point in the 'moe' modifier?
I'm sorry if you failed to detect the tongue-in-cheekness in my statement. But there's still a valid point to it. If you've listened to enough moe denpa songs you definitely can find a pattern. A few years back when the term "denpa" wasn't so widespread, composers of this genre (is it a genre?) may have been just playful, but these days they are DELIBERATELY exploiting the potential of this formula.
And why are you so obsessed with the tentacle monster rape image? When I play/listen to extreme metal, I never think of monsters, rapes and stuff, let alone tentacles. (Never been a fan of monster movies and tentacle rape pr0n anyway.) What I'm doing is simply to see what can be made out of the most unlikely combination, and also a tribute to my favorite moe denpa songs as an an extreme metal fan.
I don't understand why anyone would not consider "Neko Mimi Mode" moe denpa. If you want quotes from some "otaku authority" (better yet, a Japanese one), you can always check this website:
"Neko Mimi Mode" ranks very high in both 萌え度 and 電波度.
Your mentioning of "Akiba Pop" only brought in further confusion.
While I'd like to comment on that phenomenon, I won't do it here coz it has little to do with this thread.
As for the "moe" modifier, I use it consistently for distinction from other varieties of denpa songs. To put it simply, a moe denpa song is a denpa song you can moe to (ususally with ubercute loli-like vocals, etc.). For exmaple of a non-moe denpa song, that's say 日本ブレイク工業社歌, which is a brilliant denpa song but has no moe aspect to it, so it's safely out of the realm of my project.
Sorry about the retarded filename, it was that way when I found it.
>I'm sorry if you failed to detect the tongue-in-cheekness in my statement.
Note how I said 'silly' and not 'stupid' or 'idiotic' or 'DQN' or whatever.
>If you've listened to enough moe denpa songs you definitely can find a pattern. A few years back when the term "denpa" wasn't so widespread, composers of this genre (is it a genre?) may have been just playful, but these days they are DELIBERATELY exploiting the potential of this formula.
So? That goes for everything. Denpa, metal, bubblegum, punk, a song by a young German girl about a crocodile called Schnappi. When someone likes something, he/she will often try to make something similar to it. Or alternatively (and more commonly), if someone sees something being liked by a substantial enough group, he/she will try to make something similar to it in order to cash in on its popularity. And whenever there is similarity, there are patterns.
>And why are you so obsessed with the tentacle monster rape image? When I play/listen to extreme metal, I never think of monsters, rapes and stuff, let alone tentacles.
It does to me. Especially the voices. Man, those are creepy.
Furthermore, this kind of metal, to me at least, is rather... overwhelming to the senses. Like rape. Or at least the popular depiction of rape. I dunno, I've never been raped.
So you've got monsters, you've got rape... what does that spell? Tentacle monster rape.
>What I'm doing is simply to see what can be made out of the most unlikely combination, and also a tribute to my favorite moe denpa songs as an an extreme metal fan.
I realise that much, but even unlikely combinations need an area where they compliment each other (unless you're pregnant, anyway).
>I don't understand why anyone would not consider "Neko Mimi Mode" moe denpa.
It doesn't sound like other moe denpa songs. I mean, you've got the cute, childlike vocals and the fairly high-pitched instrumentation and... that's pretty much where the similarities end.
But then, all I know of denpa is from experience; that is, based on songs I've heard that were labled denpa. I have yet to see a real description of it (mainly because I haven't found one yet). So you might have a point. (and once again, it is proven that an ignoramus with experience is still ignorant).
Thanks for sharing! LOL
Disturbing verison....more aptly <i>kimochi warui</i> version IMO, haha.
Sounds like it could be done by one of those messed-up pseudo-visual-kei joke bands....
>So? That goes for everything. Denpa, metal, bubblegum, punk,[cut]
Not entirely. Both metal and punk demand some kind of authenticity (or at least a posture of authenticity), whereas denpa and bubblegum are usually the products of clever calculation by some studio wizards. That's the "evil" I was talking about. Not that it's inherely bad, though, or I wouldn't be listening to denpa songs in the first place. That said, however, only a few out of my nearly 100 denpa song collection are worth a second listen....
>Furthermore, this kind of metal, to me at least, is rather... overwhelming to the senses. Like rape. Or at least the popular depiction of rape. I dunno, I've never been raped.
This kind of metal <i>is</i> meant to overwhelm the senses. But the "popular depiction of rape"? I assume that impression comes from some songs written by Chris Barnes (ex-Cannibal Corpse), who is responsible for introducing that lyrical subject matter to death metal. But it's hardly the dominant theme in death metal, and pretty much non-existent in black metal, doom metal, etc.
Well....if you dislike extreme metal and what I'm doing, so be it. They're not for everyone anyway....
I don't want to argue about the exact definition for denpa songs, which even the Japanese themselves have trouble coming up with one, but to further back up my stance that "Neko Mimi Mode" is a legitimate denpa song (damn why do I have to do this), here's another reference for you:
"Neko Mimi Mode" was voted as the No.1 denpa song of 2004. 'Nuff said.
>Not entirely. Both metal and punk demand some kind of authenticity (or at least a posture of authenticity)
Which is why they all sound the same to outsiders, right? Whatever aunthenticity they might have, it's very nuanced, as it's difficult for someone who's not into metal to distinguish two songs from each other.
Either way, I find it hard to beleive what you're saying is true. The fact is, both the potential market for metal and punk alike is large enough for someone to make an adequate profit from. Meaning, that there is someone out there exploiting this market and is only there for the sake of making profit.
In other words, it's very unlikely that all metal and punk out there is the product of pure artistic inspiration.
>That said, however, only a few out of my nearly 100 denpa song collection are worth a second listen....
Seeing as many, no, the majority of denpa artists simply can not sing, that's not too surprising (I may like denpa, but I'm not blind to reality either).
>But the "popular depiction of rape"? I assume that impression comes from some songs written by Chris Barnes (ex-Cannibal Corpse), who is responsible for introducing that lyrical subject matter to death metal. But it's hardly the dominant theme in death metal, and pretty much non-existent in black metal, doom metal, etc.
You misunderstand. I'm not saying that metal provides the popular depiction of rape (I wouldn't know anyway, as I usually don't actively listen to the lyrics), I'm saying that the depiction of rape (in whatever medium) is often overwhelming to the senses, what with the screaming and the camera angles and such. It's just an example of backwards logic to explain the extreme metal - tentacle rape connection that exists in my mind.
>It does to me. Especially the voices. Man, those are creepy.
>Furthermore, this kind of metal, to me at least, is rather... overwhelming to the senses. Like rape. Or at least the popular depiction of rape. I dunno, I've never been raped.
>So you've got monsters, you've got rape... what does that spell? Tentacle monster rape.
Freud would have a field day with this.
Funny and good idea. Reminds me of Sharpnel's remixes!
What other songs are you looking for? Are you taking suggestions?
Suggestions are welcome. Whether I'll be able to carry them out is another question, though.
Actually I wanted to do some early classics like "Miko Miko Nurse", but seeing that the song is difficult to adapt to any extreme metal formula, I evetually dropped that idea.
Next song to be recorded is called "Neko Nabe", which is probably not so well-known but highly regarded by me.
For those who haven't heard this song, here's an excerpt of the original version mixed with my rhythm guitar work.
I'll start working on this song as soon as the Goddamn JLPT is over....
You can do the oppai song can't you? :)
After hearing this I full approve of this project.
I see no point in covering what's basically an American children's song with nasty Japanese lyrics. Sorry.
Kinda different.
I actually want my songs to sound like genuine extreme metal, not something hilarious. (Not to say that the metal version of "Sakuranbo Kiss" is bad in any way, though.) There's a reason behind this, but I'd better not talk too much while having done so little....
Having listened to the tracks, I have to say it's not bad. I prefer the first track over the second one. They both need polishing, as you've already indicated. Keep going with this. I can't offer suggestions though. I know shitall about denpa, although I think I've heard some.
can anyone email me the zipped file i want to see what that rip off bastard is selling everyone.
Wrong thread, genius.
I want my moe metal.
Oh wait, I already have moe metal... (listens to Maido-san in Akihabara)
>>10 and pretty much non-existent in black metal
youre right, but check out woods of infinity ;)
Yeah, Woods of Infinity is indeed weird as hell. One knows that just by listening to their music.
My initial impression metal with perverted humor and a pedo slant? Haven't looked into the lyrics, though.
P.S. Project Neko Mimi Death is currently put on hold due to personal conditions.
woah, extreme metal moe songs, thats weird as hell....
it sounds like, you raped the shit outta those songs. but then again, i hate metal
can anyone share that distubing version for sakuranbo kiss ?
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