Livejournal: WHAT? (26)

1 Name: Yaranaika Daddy!K./5Izeg0I 04/12/26(Sun)13:03 ID:Heaven [Del]

If you dont already know what LJ is, you've been living in a cave, or use AOL. Either way, It's impact on western Internet culture is starting to really show, with users confessing and commiting all kinds of things.

Features a user claiming that "On January 13th, I am going to kill myself." . In return he has received thousands of replies to his work, comments positive about his work, and also the negative "You are an attention whore".

A random LJ featuring a guy, armed with a camera doing very random things.

The Livejournal owned WT Snacks, the "ban nazi" of 4chan. He subsequently had to remove the front page to his LJ promptly someone posting it in /dqn/ here and in /b/ on 4chan.

Any LJ articles do you know are worth giving a crap about?


2 Name: Anonymous Internet User 04/12/27(Mon)10:44 ID:Heaven [Del]

why anyone would voluntarily subject himself to the manure-filled cesspool that is livejournal is beyond me. seriously, along with slashdot, livejournal may very well be a contender for the title of "worst place on the INTERNET".

the best solution is to block to prevent even accidental link-clicking, thereby preserving precious brain cells for the future.

3 Name: Anonymous Internet User 04/12/27(Mon)14:18 ID:Heaven [Del]

As much as I dislike LJ, Xanga beats livejournal a hundred to one.

4 Name: Anonymous Internet User 04/12/28(Tue)04:02 ID:Heaven [Del]

Xanga is FAR worse than LiveJournal. Fred Durst uses Xanga.

5 Name: Anonymous Internet User 04/12/28(Tue)05:03 ID:Pv4HWl4j [Del]

none of those are "worth giving a crap about"

6 Name: !WAHa.06x36 04/12/28(Tue)13:07 ID:q6nPCPEX [Del]

I already linked my livejournal. I won't be tricked into doing it again, no matter how hard you try.

7 Name: Anonymous Internet User 04/12/28(Tue)17:35 ID:Heaven [Del]

8 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. 04/12/28(Tue)20:57 ID:UKTYvybK [Del]

You know, I ban people from 4chan ALL the time and nobody's ever tried to find my LiveJournal :(

(wow, someone posted to the kibology journal recently, that's rare)

9 Name: Anonymous Internet User 04/12/29(Wed)06:33 ID:Cd6928hK [Del]

That's because he became notoriously famous for his idiot-banning spree.

10 Name: Anonymous Internet User 04/12/29(Wed)06:36 ID:VYUC9QWD [Del]

no, he became notoriously famous because he uses /b/.

11 Name: Anonymous Internet User 04/12/30(Thu)08:16 ID:Heaven [Del]

Attention whoring and power don't go together?

12 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 04/12/31(Fri)02:05 ID:/VSx6NF+ [Del]

>Dag Ågren on Wikipedia:

I really hope he didn't make that article himself. Wikipedia is not a vanity site.
Even if he didn't, few "internet celebrities" are really important/profound/earth-shaking enough to have their own article, and !WAHa is not one of them. (Though I didn't know he was Scandinavian... that explains some things.)

14 Name: Guest: 05/01/01(Sat)04:03 ID:Heaven [Del]


15 Name: Guest: 05/01/01(Sat)22:01 ID:zDJwXW5u [Del]

16 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 05/01/01(Sat)22:03 ID:Heaven [Del]

For some reason every time I see "Dag Ågren" I think of music. Okay, there was a composer named Dag Wiren. But why do I always think of rock and roll then?!

17 Name: Guest: 05/01/02(Sun)12:41 ID:Heaven [Del]

I think of Angry Beavers. >_>

18 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 05/01/03(Mon)05:09 ID:qOOtmgyK [Del]

19 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 05/01/03(Mon)10:07 ID:Heaven [Del]

Well, who woulda thunk? That might be it. o.o-b

20 Name: Guest: 05/01/08(Sat)03:07 ID:Heaven

21 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2006-02-17 10:05 ID:n9mOf9Hu

22 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2006-02-18 04:02 ID:Qz78iBOs

Livejournal can be useful if you want a passive way to communicate with RL friends.
The problems come when you start trying to have discussions with internet people...

23 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2006-02-18 07:51 ID:Heaven

Poor MVB, nobody lovesstalks him

24 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2006-02-27 18:31 ID:Heaven

it's pretty easy to find the livejournals of most *chan characters (except cracky-chan of course)... the problem is that once you find them, for one reason or another there's hardly ever anything interesting there.

25 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2006-02-28 12:48 ID:Heaven

clearly too much time refreshing *chan, not enough time posting on lj.

26 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-03-22 18:53 ID:Heaven

Era's makes me want to kill her.

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