MySpace (17)

1 Name: Guest: 05/02/17(Thu)11:00 ID:8gnNAugR

Some of the internet loves MySpace.
Let's use this thread to discuss ridiculous profiles or other genetal MySpace-related things.
If you are a fan of *ch, you should put 4-ch, 2ch, 4chan, or whatever in your general interests!

Recently I have found a most ridiculous human. A (very) Christian scene boy from Alabama.
40,433 friends when I had checked..

2 Name: Guest: 05/02/17(Thu)11:01 ID:Heaven

Man, I hate these friendster, orkut and whatever things.

3 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/02/17(Thu)11:47 ID:WDaRF09K

I remember getting warez off

4 Name: Albright!LC/IWhc3yc 05/02/17(Thu)16:20 ID:QUKfCbIh

>or other genetal MySpace-related things.


5 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. 05/02/18(Fri)00:53 ID:sflUXsFL

Orkut was fun because I was the friend of a friend of Steve Wozniak on the Internet. Then everyone forgot about it, even the Brazilians.

6 Name: Guest: 05/02/18(Fri)01:22 ID:Heaven

Who is Steve Wozniak? What's his tripcode?

7 Name: Guest: 05/02/18(Fri)01:40 ID:Heaven

Oops. Sorry.
I mean genital
I mean general

I liked orkut the best but it has become very inactive. It was full of 2chers and I made a few nice friends through it that I still talk to.

9 Name: hotaru!hoTarufiRE!!Cizp3pu2 05/02/18(Fri)13:16 ID:/2S8zsiZ

i broke orkut. twice. in 3 hours.

10 Name: !WAHa.06x36 05/02/18(Fri)21:52 ID:2nZo6VYJ

I got a Friendster account and it was so boring I killed myself.

12 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 05/02/24(Thu)00:59 ID:Heaven

Ridiculous profiles...sounds like Xanga.

14 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-03-04 09:46 ID:Heaven

I once talked to Steve Wozniak on a teleconf.

15 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. 2005-03-05 02:42 ID:Heaven

I think we should revive Orkut. Who wants invites?!

16 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-03-05 06:19 ID:Heaven

I hope for an Orkut revival. When Friendster was the cool thing, I got a Myspace account and told everybody how much better it is but nobody believed me. Now all of those people have migrated to Friendster and I try to tell them how great Orkut is.. Oh well.

17 Name: Mr VacBob!JqK7T7zan. 2005-03-06 02:16 ID:2MhlruMo

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