Opera vs Firefox Drama Thread (133)

44 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-05-05 00:24 ID:LleWm6Jb

Firefox on my poor 1 GHz box hurts. I rarely see it take less than 3 seconds to load any page, even when clicking Back. Opera can load pages, uh, instantly.

It's a shame that so many sites look better with Firefox. It's a further shame that Firefox obeys fontconfig rules for font substitution where Opera doesn't (AA in Opera is teh suck). It's another shame that Firefox looks consistent with the rest of my apps whereas Opera still can't handle a Qt style like every other Qt-based program does.

So much stuff is broken. I can't even click a Delete link on 4-ch with Opera!

But you know what? I'm sick of waiting for pages to load, so I'm going to play with Opera for a bit.

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