What makes an internet forum popular? (171)

1 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-04-29 00:55 ID:V3OJYA9m

Theoretically, 4-ch's simple post system should make it the biggest English-speaking forum in the world. (lol)

So, what makes a forum popular? Let's look at the most popular forums in the world for hints:

#1: 2channel. Popular because it stayed up while other anonymous forums went down; consolidated a bunch of different forums such as Ayashii World. The Live TV forums also probably contributed. There may be other factors which I don't know.
#2: Go-Gaia. Attracted little kids because of its avatar system. But that's not the userbase we want, is it?
#3: IGN+VaultNet. I don't know why this is popular, I don't know much about the history of this BBS.
#4,5: FaceTheJury and Nexopia. These are popular because you can just spam any damn message you want, it's like AIM. Maybe 4-ch should open a bunch of gimmick boards like 2ch has.
#6: Partyflock. Popular because it created a large number of forums to plan parties in different areas of the Netherlands.
#7: Off Topic. I don't know why this is popular, I don't know much about the history of this BBS.
#8: PaintBallNation. Popular because it created a large number of paintball forums and became the number one place to go for paintball.
#9: Something Awful. Popular because the $10 registration fee keeps out little kids, and because of its dedicated moderation team. Not popular because of some inherent superiority; go back to archive.org and see SA in 2002 if you don't beleive me on that.
#10: Fok.nl. I don't know why this is popular, I don't know much about the history of this BBS.

>>2 Now's your chance! Go for the kill!
>>3-1000 Discuss theories of attracting people!

152 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-12-21 04:35 ID:TeM1RqAr


153 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-12-21 09:30 ID:Heaven

Now we know how a gimmick site became popular.

154 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-12-21 12:56 ID:Heaven


Welcome to spam.txt!

155 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-12-24 21:25 ID:0eN8jvld

A lot of people I tried to show a Kareha board to found its floating-post system confusing. They wanted to just see one thread on a page and have a tabular thread index. When I instructed them to just bookmark subback.html (this was Kareha 3.x), they were pleased, but now complained that this view was not the default.

So >>1 mentions a "simple post system", but it seems that to many people, the interface is complicated and bizarre. This isn't a complaint though; I like it how it is. Just an observation.

156 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2006-01-05 17:37 ID:3xeF7wgP

Haha, I was thinking along the lines of the same thing. So, I went and made an intro (of sorts) when I was messing around and bored one day. But soon, in true DQN fashion, I became bored of even doing that and quit. What you see here is the results of my work:
ImageShack kinda screwed up what I intended for borders, and looking back on this, I see that if I had a plan for the project and had consulted DQN, it might've been a lot better.
I have a lot of spare time on my hands... but maybe not quite THAT much spare time.

157 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2006-01-10 03:27 ID:e3bcz7Oc


Aha, so YOU'RE the responsible party!

Get yer ass back to work - 'Grandpa&Junior Saga' must continue!

158 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2006-01-14 18:14 ID:YABA1f85

159 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2006-01-14 18:52 ID:Heaven

wtf is this wmv shit?

160 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2006-02-06 19:20 ID:H6Ga0tOD


"Anonymous does not forgive" repulses newcomers? Hardly. That was one of the in-jokes that I found hysterical immediately upon reading for the first time.

I'm a newcomer to these boards. I don't get some of the jokes, but I have figured out a lot of them. Even some of the AA doesn't require that you have years of background, as there can be a self-contained punchline that requires no knowledge of 4-ch history.

161 Name: Oldtimer, mostly Anonymous 2006-02-09 21:34 ID:Heaven

Hey, welcome aboard. (〃^∇^)ノ

162 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2006-02-17 16:33 ID:3xYApOBf

http://world4ch.org is now a redirect to http://4chan.org now

Dead for good?

163 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2006-02-18 03:18 ID:ziWqDiGG

It looks like they're doing some sort of update. Probably temporary downtime.

164 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-03-05 08:19 ID:d2vvcl+u

No, I'm still getting world4ch.org

165 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-04-07 09:18 ID:osGbitFq

what makes a forum popular ?

buzz, atmosphere, luck, advertising

buzz as in you gotta create a buzz, and find a way to keep it
so that people go like "did you see that on <insert bbs-name> ? you gotta check it out"

atmosphere --> probably the hardest one, since everything has an effect on this, be it type of boards you are running, your posters, the way admins/mods handle things, etc
But it's the most important one too imo

luck as in you gotta have some luck with the initial batch of users you attract, as they will be for a large part responsible for the atmosphere and such of your bbs (regardless of the initial planning you had in mind, you'll always have to see how things work out)

luckily you'll some say in what kind of users you attract, ofcourse depending on the way you advertise your bbs

166 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-04-08 01:23 ID:Heaven

Are you kidding? Advertise a BBS? Why would anyone do that, unless they were just cynically running it for profit -- in which case I wouldn't want to go there.

167 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-04-08 01:31 ID:Heaven

Are you kidding? Advertise a BBS? Why would anyone do that, unless they were just cynically running it for profit -- in which case I wouldn't want to go there.

168 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-04-08 16:30 ID:aV0qTMhA

Advertise meaning more people going there, so the boards would be more active.

169 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-04-08 19:34 ID:SGTWazJv

You need exposure to draw in posters; otherwise, why not just save the cash you'd spend in hosting and simply open an IRC channel?

170 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-04-13 23:17 ID:NVP/St6O

today there was this guy adveritising the USA Network forums... on the street

i was like "LOL" and I went there... it was the worst internet forum ever

171 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-05-27 07:48 ID:Heaven

In order for a board to be popular/infamous it needs content aka VIP/DQN Quality, damn good quality.
pure Drama != quality.
pure Comedy == quality to most, others look for useful information as quality.
It takes a lot of things, you need some legendary trolls, some of the longest winded wordsmiths, and somewhat importantly: reaction, for at times, it can beget and continue the trend of quality, though as a warning, it does posess the chance to also hinder further quality.
A point that has been touched upon before though is this, there is no possible English equivalent to 2ch, the most popular forums are utter garbage. Is this odd? Not so if you consider the type of people that make up what is the mass of this day's internet, let alone those who make up the mass of the western world itself, the people are very different in mind and so, the cultures are extremely different.
In my opinion, it would be best to be utterly elitist and selective, this board does a decent job of that, but it hindered by the fact those who work to make this place exclusive really do not actually contribute all that much or as consistently or perhaps even as feverishly as they should. Oh and by elitist I'm not talking slashdot or somethingshittyforum style elitism based on who is the best established retard, there is a distinct social difference between those type of forums with their registrants and post counts and these anonymous boards, overall, the one presented by these has both a better production and potential of quality in style and feel, one that again should be exercised to a greater extend by those who frequent here.
Saying that "oh we want anyone to post here, ever your mom" is a very bad concept and I absolutely shudder to think if there was a futullaby board consisting of the type of people who frequent a place like gaia, though, on another thought, such a thing could open up for some legendary trolling capabilities, but again the problem is: could trolling utter retards possibly be as good as trolling somewhat quality literate people? I personally do not think this is this case and is why I saw that being selective is for the best in the sake of post quality, for as the old addage goes "quality>quantity"

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