What makes an internet forum popular? (171)

19 Name: Squeeks!!XjdwLWBy (Admin) 2005-05-06 13:49 ID:Heaven


  • I'm Australian.
  • The mods, are European, Australian and one is an ESL teacher living in Japan.
  • The majority of posters inside the Japanese board are in fact Japanese, most of the time flexing their English skills.
  • The largest portion of posters:location is in fact Europe.
  • IP addresses originating from the USA make up around 20-30% of all posts.
  • American's are far from the biggest posters. They are however, the biggest leechers with several fools (who I will sooner or later IP ban) like to mirror the website daily.

Finally, the last thing I want to be called, is an "Ozzie". It's spelt "Aussie".

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