What makes an internet forum popular? (171)

48 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-09-06 08:57 ID:dB/OG02k

Drama drama drama, drama drama drama.

No forum relies completely on searches and crap like that. All those other boards got popular because someone said, "Hay did u guyz c wat happnd with sumfin oful last week? :link:" Something awful got popular because it had a bunch of stupid crap that you could link to your friends. Gaia's created its own fucking economy and can basically get paid for inviting other people. (that's how I found out about Gaia. Like twelve people gave me a link and said SIGN UP FOR THIS even thought we're all in our 20s and we should know better)

We need to do something stupid like tilt a CNN poll or get someone to mention us in a suicide note. Other than that we're pretty screwed.

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