"we are not technophobic" (2)

1 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-05-06 13:55 ID:5nLzZFep

"The world's third-largest music company, EMI Group Plc (EMI.L: Quote, Profile, Research), has signed a deal with Snocap, a technology firm that is working to create a legal peer-to-peer music-sharing network.

"This sends a signal to music industry critics who claim we are technophobic. If anything, we are embracing technologies like Snocap, which allow the P2P (peer-to-peer) community to share music legally," said David Munns, chairman and chief executive of EMI Music North America."

2 Name: 2005-05-20 04:03 ID:Heaven

> "we are not technophobic"

Obviously. They love technology as long as they're making money off of it.

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