Spyware Wars (2)

1 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2005-05-18 15:03 ID:Skhwj/as

"Researchers for the [MS] software giant are building a system of Windows XP clients that crawl the web finding sites that use unreported vulnerabilities to compromise unsuspecting users, writes SecurityFocus's Robert Lemos."

"The virtual PCs will crawl the seedier side of the web, which Wang calls the Exploit-Net, using addresses culled from spam email message and from the users of Microsoft's anti-spyware network. In addition, the virtual machines, which can test 7,000 sites a day, will crawl through the top million legitimate links just to check that no spyware has infected popular sites."

2 Name: 2005-05-20 03:56 ID:Heaven

> looking for threats in an effort to secure the web for Windows.

Way to do things backwards...
Their application security does need work, but something about this makes my skin crawl. I hope they're not planning to forcibly blacklist "infected" sites.

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