Imageboards: Anonymity vs. Tripcodes/Usernames (56)

42 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-11-15 02:51 ID:Heaven

> I can't see how it suddenly being in wordpress kills discussion.

Because blogs forcible age.

In a forum, if it's worth discussing, it'll continually be bumped. You can't bump a blog; wheat and chaff are treated equally.

> This is because more people read the blog than read world4ch

No, this is because it was posted at the top of every board in 4chan, most notably /b/. Instead of putting it in a forum for it to live and die by its own merits, it was posted in a blog and whored out to the stupidest citizens on the intarwebs.

That's why.

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