[P2P] Anonymous Peer-to-peer [Anonymous] (2)

1 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-10-13 18:25 ID:Heaven

With the demise of many great torrent trackers in the last months, the media industries still tightening their grips on second generation p2p networks & convenient ways to share files without getting into some spotlight of legal consequences (wether justified or not) getting rare, today's file sharers have to find some other, probably anonymous ways to trade their data.

This thread is for discussion of "anonymous" P2P networks, which works best for what reason, what experiences you have had with any of them, etc.

Some links to kick things off:


2 Name: 404 - Name Not Found 2005-10-13 18:27 ID:Heaven

Related threads on 4-ch:

p2p networks and the woes of copyright

What kind of P2P software do you use?

Suprnova, Exeem and Just Another P2P Network (TM)?

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