A site I found through some means, I can't remember at all how(maybe even here?). It's supposedly based off Flickr and Moeboard.
From the wiki:
>danbooru is a social web application that allows you to upload, share, and tag images. Much of it is inspired by both moeboard and Flickr. It was specifically designed to be of maximum utility to seasoned imageboard hunters.
I thought it was cool, but it's obviously lacking alot of features.
=/ Fail.
> it's obviously lacking alot of features.
like what? it has tagging, it has wiki :v
It's an interesting application of online image storing and sharing which is currently only being used for cartoon pr0n. So I think it matches up to other image boards quite well. </troll>
I think the tagging is an interesting feature. I've considered adding something like that to Thorn in the distant distant future. I don't think it should totally replace the "boards" system if admins don't want it to, though.
How about the users, who want Wakaba?
It's an interesting concept, but one little details escapes me: Why would I want to use it for anything but leeching? On an image board, you're uploading images mostly to trigger discussion and reactions, which is amusing. There is discussion on danbooru, but it's hidden and there generally doesn't seem to be much emphasis on it.
*Why would I want to use it for anything but leeching? *
your point?
Favorites have been implemented. Thanks for the idea. I still need to add an Atom feed and a public interface, but that should be easy.
Tag blacklisting was implemented a few weeks ago. It's done client-side, but it seems to work well enough.
I'd love to hear more ideas, either here or http://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki/view/ideas
My oh-so-difficult-to-grasp point is that if there's no big incentive to contribute, there won't be much to leech.
danbooru != kareha.
Discussion and community building are not the primary concern. Archiving and categorizing images are. The main reason comments were implemented at all was to allow people to share information that would've been difficult to get across through tags (links, sources, translations, explanations).
It's so unfair. It took me 8 months of posting to get my board active, and danbooru achieves that in two. Granted, it's a niche board, but still...