This forum is obviously inspired by the 2-ch forum style because it supports sage and tripcodes... but the way the threads are written is VERY unique.
.... wtf?
This thing is a total nightmare to try and read, tiny monitor and 1024x768 =(
I like the idea... even if a thread splinters in many different ways you can keep the tracks seperate; however, I do not think the complications are worth it.
maybe it'd be more usable if they made it so the threads are shown collapsed and then expand on mouseover...
also, maybe they could make an easy to install tarball and fix the tripcodes...
It just looks flat and really badly formatted without CSS => fail.
I prefer the traditional 2chan-like layout we have here.
2chan isn't a discussion board, and 2ch certainly did not invent flat threads.
I do agree with the markup problem... they should be using much more CSS than they are.
In fact, I would make a bet that it's possible to do a site layout where switching the stylesheet changes the layout of the posts from their 2D format, to the 2chan-style layout, to the LiveJournal/Slashdot style threaded layout, and so forth. All it needs is a bit of ingenuity and tricks with CSS tables. :-)
The other problem I have with the site is that it's an app made in 2006 and it doesn't include any AJAX features. 4-ch is excused from not incorporating AJAX because it's relatively old... although it would be a nice feature anyway. ;-)
The tripcodes seem fine though... I don't know what you're talking about. The only limitation is that it doesn't let you have a tripcode and no name, but that limitation kinda makes sense anyway.
I know you're trying to be smart, but actually it turns out that 2chan is a discussion board, and therefore you are wrong. :-)
Maybe it's my lack of a newfangled tiltwheel mouse, but horizontal scroll leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's also annoying in lazy threaded layouts that don't have wordwrap. The concept is interesting, but I think it might be suited to a more free interface, like a wide multimonitor or one of those 3D OSes. I can imagine it kicking ass if it could be hooked up to TrackIR.
yeah, like 4chan is a discussion board
> The other problem I have with the site is that it's an app made in 2006 and it doesn't include any AJAX features. 4-ch is excused from not incorporating AJAX because it's relatively old... although it would be a nice feature anyway. ;-)
You make it sound like AJAX is the right tool for every website. What would 4-ch gain from AJAX?
I remember when AJAX used to be called XMLHttpRequest.
They should have used tables, I think. All the cells show up weird and I have the latest Firefox.
Are there supposed to be conversations just hanging in the air without any titles?
The titles are only above the first post.. and sometimes the posts get disconnected, fuck if I know.
AJAX is retarded. Total usability nightmare. The only time I would use it on 4-ch would be post preview.
IMO, AJAX, like anything, should be used where it can improve something. If it can make your page more responsive, without breaking older browsers ( The post preview beeing a nice example, if you have an older browser/don't like javascript a well-written app could just switch to a "Click the previed button to Preview" - model ) then use it, if not, don't. The problem is that i'ts kinda overhyped, so people tend to be like "ALWAYS USE AJAX ITS WEB2.0" or "NEVER USE AJAX COZ IT SUX!". Right tool for the right job, ne?
No, see, in browsers that don't support CSS, it looks like crap. It should degrade to a decent-looking flat board like 4-ch does.
330 new posts since your last visit.
it is .. readable, not not very pretty without the css, but i've seen worse
PROTIP: the X in AJAX stands for XMLHttpRequest
PROTIP: The A, J and A also stand for XMLHttpRequest.
PROTIP: No they don't, they stand for "Asynchronous", "JavaScript", and "and."
PROTIP: AJAX actually stands for "*a*sshole *j*ust ren*a*med *X*MLHttpRequest"
As opposed to synchronous javascript? No, I still say I had it right the first time.
Wierd, but cute. I think I'll keep my eye on it.