Tagging (13)

10 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-08-23 22:55 ID:fu5JEXYu

The only real problem I see are the spelling mistakes. All other problems you named can be solved if the developer does some thinking. Have a look at danbooru (http://danbooru.donmai.us/ blah blah warning very very NSFW) for how a properly designed tagging system can work.

  • It solves such things as plurals and different names for the same thing with aliases and implications (for example, "inumimi" is aliased to "dog ears").
  • It allows all users to quickly correct tagging errors and to add or remove tags in a wiki-like fashion and also keeps a history for quick rollbacks in case of vandalism.
  • It uses tag suggestions to help users decide how to properly tag things.
  • It has a page with an easyly understandable explanation of how tagging is supposed to be done and what conventions there are.
  • It allows you to easily search for pictures in a way that would be hard to do without tags (For example I could search for images that are tagged inumimi OR nekomimi but NOT loli and NOT shota).
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