Guro boards might now be illegal in UK (41)

35 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2008-11-29 07:20 ID:wmZn4Wiu

I have a problem with anyone who thinks outlawing art will fix anything. Guro artists aren't hurting anyone. If someone can't look at guro without becoming violent toward real people, that is the problem [not the artwork itself]'s people that are so mentally deranged and unattached to reality that anything they're exposed to could set them off.

Guro is an art form though one that is WIDELY unappreciated, but no one is forcing you into looking at it. It's purpose as >>31 points out is that when done right it is supposed to be sexually arousing, disgusting, and comical.

I -personally- am a fan of a lot of guro and I hate real violence. This is because I am of sound mind and can distinguish between fantasy and reality; plus, I like a little thrill in my fiction.

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