Americans should not have been voting in Saimoe! (29)

1 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-10-29 00:14 ID:TzYN3yBO

A large number of the Japanese are complaining that the overseas voters, primarily Americans and primarily from 4chan, screwed up this year's Saimoe and it should be run over again. They wish to ban overseas voting but the inherent technical issues prevent them from doing so, and once again we're considered a "necessary evil" or just tolerated. It's obvious they don't want us voting or participating in 2ch in general, so why are people so persistent in pestering them? We have our own image boards and 2ch-style discussion boards. It should be just common courtesy to leave other people alone, and common sense to avoid places where you aren't wanted. Yet we continue to cause drama and problems for 2ch. Why, Internet?

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