Let's post up all of the Internet Stereotypes we've found on the Internet and gather 'em right here! Ready?
Internet stereotypes?
Like what, the Russian Haxx0r? Not really a stereotype, though.
The Weaboo, anybody?
no women on the interbutt
Wigger who pretends to be black but doesn't have a camera to prove it because he's from the ghetto.
Internet Tough Guy:
Talks shit about everyone and says they could beat the shit out of them in real life, when in reality they are 22 year olds living in their mom's basement.
The PhD
People who take a bullshit university courses and constantly speak like they're qualified to give advice. Often unnecessarily verbose and likes to start arguments with "Well, actually...".
Online Poker
Is just retarded.
kids aned newbies who think kawaii and all those emoticons are kewt
Some would say that BBS is just retarded.
The person that replies to fucking ANYTHING you say with "lol".
Also, in before ">>17 lol".
What's wrong with my emoticons? (-_-)
You want me to TYPE WORDS?
> Also, in before ">>17 lol".
Why did you have to ruin such potential beauty?
Because I knew it was coming. Nothing more than a precautionary measure.
>>17 lol
(Nobody said that "in b4" means you can't still say it. Except maybe HITLER.)
>>23 is a nazi
This was a thread destined to fail.
Everybody acts out stereotypes ITT.
Hey guys, I consider myself a tollerant guy, but I just want to burn niggers. Anybody else got a quirky character trait like that?
Vote Ron Paul '08, he supports your constitutional right to burn niggers
what's an internet stereotype?
The 4chan fag, thinking like some cock of the walk. Cock of nothing, in reality actually.
I will give some examples of a 4chan fag (seeing how I am one)
Lol, internets!
Needs more pooper.
m00t maed tuns of sechs teh internwebbings.
Praise be with RaptorJesus.
Darth Vader requires your help.
Isn't all of the internet becoming a slave to the cancer that is fail?
Jesus, is that baby for sale?
It is now!
This entire thread is succumbing to the cancer that is fail. I hope raptor jesus eats it.
Acts as: Gaiafag
OMG hEY gUYZ mah namez is SuperKoolPhattiee9999 and I's likes animez and vampires. Jack sPARROW IS MY HUSband1111!1!!!!! i wear black clotez and goth stuff cause, i'm like, super cool. in mehe previous lifevz, i was foxdick. AND NO you wiLL NOT TAKE NUYASHA AWAYFROMMEHEISTEHKING OF ALLL ANIMU CHARACETERS!!!!!111!!!!i talk like tis cous my mom thinks i 'm special. AND NO I DON'T have this ACOoUNT AND THE THINGS I LIKE SO THAT I CAN JUST HAVE FRIENDS!!!111!!!!#12!!! ICAN SPEK JAPANESE!!!!!!11!! SUPA KAWAII DES!!!1!!!!!11! KORoudo TSURIFU!!1111!!!
In real life: She does this so she can just have friends. Fucking lier.
All these lolicon threads are great! And I managed to save some CP from that last thread before it got deleted. I think I'll post tubgirl again. I wonder if there's something anti-Semitic I could caption it with.
What/ Furries? People are posting erotic drawings of people with fur and other animal characteristics? FURFAGS! BAN THEM! TRACE THEIR IP ADDRESSES AND HUNT THEM DOWN! I know, I'll post tubgirl to their thread. And I'll photoshop all their furry pics into guro.
Man, someone should post more guro. The only thing hotter than manga about underage girls being raped, is manga about girls getting dismembered.
Oh, wait -- someone posted the only thing worse than furries: a picture of a fat girl. MAN THE HARPOONS!
mood: quirky / intellectual
music: Obscure Band - Does This Make Me Look Cool OR Unique?
Dear LJ,
I think I will start my post off with a 'lolcat' I found on Icanhazcheezburger.com! Isn't it funny? This is just used as a reminder to you that I have a sense of humor when it comes to THE INTERBUTT (hee hee, they said that on Fark!) but that I am also hip!
Now, LJ, onto some more serious business. I want to talk to you about something that really cheeses me off: social injustice. If you didn't know, I'm a democrat, so I pander to minorities. I'm so tired of the WHITE DEVIL (even though I am a white, middle class female) oppressing the AFRICAN AMERICANS. Did you recently hear the case of an African American man going to jail for robbery? RACIAL PROFILING! Everyone knows African Americans are God's chosen people, so they never commit crimes. It's just the WHITE, RACIST BASTARDS trying to keep a good black man down.
Well, that's all for now, livejournal! If you want to post a comment I'll have an uncomfortable conversation with you about a topic somewhat unrelated to this original post. I'll then add you to my friends list.
mood: conspiratorial
music: Something German
If you're getting a refund check from Bush, be sure to spend it all on ammunition. Don't put it in the bank, as the dollar will be completely worthless before Hillary has a chance to have Obama assassinated.
But then, you don't get between a Clinton and power. Just ask any of the thousands of people Bill Clinton personally strangled to death while in the White House or as governor of Arkansas. So Hillary might pull some strings to keep the dollar afloat just long enough for her to fulfill her manifest destiny. In that case, the whole world's economy will collapse. So don't keep it in any currency.
Sleep tight, America.