I'm sorry but i had to tell someone. [help me to internet] (22)

4 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2008-06-07 13:28 ID:izd0hT7p

The web as it one was, a safe haven for nerds, is slowly dying. I've watched this happen with a good few places over the years - first various discussion boards I used to frequent, IRC, 4chan and now other places. This is what you get when the kind of idiots who have Myspace accounts and post "lol random xD" gif montages on Youtube start spreading their filthy tendrils.

I have been a visitor of SA since about 2002 and 4chan since 2004, and the latter has sustained far more damage, going from a place which I visited with a sense of anticipation at just what might be thrown at me today to simply coming out of habit. SA's tenbux seems to be a simple but effective idiot-filter, something that I see myself shelling out for at some point in the near future.

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