The term "weeaboo" (21)

11 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2008-09-26 19:15 ID:tJUQGO51

The funny thing is most of 4chan, which was at first a board solely to discuss Asian subculture, calls anime fans "weeaboo."

Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with watching anime; it's a helluva lot better than MOST Western art (note I said "MOST"). And now with Toonami dead, there's no reason to watch CN.

But there are the people who take anime TOO seriously and actually try imitating (not cosplaying, but imitating) acts seen on tv. For example, that one 10 year old who died for burying himself in sand. Also, this one girl I talked to thought she could perform "alchemy" as seen on Full Metal Alchemist. I told her that it's just a cartoon and there's no possible way you could form something by slapping your hand on the ground, after spending minutes drawing a circle.

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