[twitter] Hmm. Our name search server seems to have wandered off. [lol] (14)

7 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2009-09-06 09:01 ID:gKwugXeI


> well it's nice for getting news very quickly

What you call news I call bollocks. If you want to be served bollocks very quickly, go to a gay brothel. There's no such thing as 'general news' for the 'general audience' (even though that's what the media is trying to sell us, right?). This makes sense once you've contemplated what 'news' really are about, and who they interest.

Imagine history, and then imagine how our days history would be written. Would it mention all the every-day news that we hear on the TV/other media? No. It wouldn't, because these events are really fucking unimportant and their only purpose is to steal 10 minutes of your attention from you.

Fuck Twatter.

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