Why is 4-Ch Much worse than 2-Ch (3)

1 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2011-06-19 20:27 ID:TTOBlXqa

we should make a 600+ boards. they would have maybe 1 post each inside of them. but this would be ok. it would be our wonderland. 600 boards. 20 users. imagine. going from board to board..finding a post..thinking to your self...this post was for me, this anonymous user wrote this so i would read it. tears would well up on your eyelashes. you would know that you are not alone in this life and that you are well loved. thank you for your considerations

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2 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2011-06-22 08:17 ID:agAZZ0Q7

Way WAY in the past, there used to be dial-in BBSs in town. There were like four of them, some with two lines, some with TEN or more lines (the big time, the major leagues! ten users. AT ONCE). Some were well organized and feature-rich. Others not so much. I recall specifically that one had a chat feature called "CB" like the radio. This was a terrible idea. Follow me on this: you were prompted to "join a channel" and the you selected a number 1-40. You'd get something along the lines of "Welcome to channel 3; there is 1 person in this channel." Basically, there was no way to tell if anyone was using this feature or where they were if they were using it... Sounds like your suggestion. I kind of like it, really.

3 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2011-06-23 19:50 ID:Heaven


Please post your love and admiration for this honorable idea in the following thread. Kami-Sama willing it will become reality if all 5 of us wish for it.

Squeeks will become our RahXephon. . .

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