Air rifles are fun :D (3)

1 Name: t3hXelos 2004-11-02 21:19 ID:58GhDE4w [Del]

Was round my friends place yesterday and were experimenting with his air rifle searching for the perfect non lethal ammo.


You know the cotton on either tip of that plastic stick? just cut of the bud leaving onnly a bare 5mm of plastic pipe still there and load em into the rifle cotton first.

and shoot wee i hardly felt it. but when it came turn to shoot my friend the plastic patt brushed by leaving a slight stinging sensation.

This aint new but i thought it would be a suitable lengthy first post for this section :P

2 Name: t3hXelos 2004-11-02 21:19 ID:58GhDE4w [Del]

>_< doh there already was a first post >_<

3 Name: Anonymous 2004-11-03 05:26 ID:58GhDE4w [Del]

gb2 general fag

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