Cheney shoots quail hunter in face (17)

1 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-13 15:49 ID:Heaven

I'm not even going to bother finding an article about this, it's all over the news. What I'm loving though is the headlines. The one I used for this thread is an actual newspaper headline, as are:

  • The Man Who Dick Cheney Shot
  • Cheney steps up war on lawyers
  • Cheney 'accidentally shoots man' (Awesome use of quotes there!)
  • Dick Cheney's Hunting Horror
  • Vice President shoots his lawyer
  • Cheney 'Scary,' Gun Control Activists Say
  • Dick Cheney bags a lawyer on a shooting trip
  • Dick Cheney shoots man in Reno 'just to watch him die'

Ok, I made up that last one.

2 Name: LOL 2006-02-13 17:47 ID:Heaven


3 Name: Sling!XD/uSlingU 2006-02-13 18:11 ID:Heaven

"Cheney's Got a Gun"
"ABC Uses Shooting Accident to Take Gratuitous Shot at Cheney"
"Cheney shoots lawyer, no charges filed"
"Dick Cheney Finally Takes a Stand Against Trial Lawyers"
"VP fires back at critics, elderly attorneys"
"US leader misfires"
"Dick Cheney Shoots Hunter, Jokes to Follow"
"Hey There, You With the Sun In Your Eyes"

4 Name: Unknown Source 2006-02-14 04:15 ID:CasvPqm5

More :
"Who The Man Shot Cheney Dick ?"
"man 'accidentally shoots Cheney "
"Hunting Cheney Dick, Horror!!!!"
"lawyer shoots his Vice President"
"Cheney Dick shoots man in Reno"

5 Name: Unverified Source 2006-02-14 06:13 ID:X4xBJJSn

"Cheney Shoots Astro in the Balls"

6 Name: Undtected Source 2006-02-14 06:54 ID:8onAMPVz

"Dick Cheney's Dick Dickering"

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