I'm not even going to bother finding an article about this, it's all over the news. What I'm loving though is the headlines. The one I used for this thread is an actual newspaper headline, as are:
Ok, I made up that last one.
"Cheney's Got a Gun"
"ABC Uses Shooting Accident to Take Gratuitous Shot at Cheney"
"Cheney shoots lawyer, no charges filed"
"Dick Cheney Finally Takes a Stand Against Trial Lawyers"
"VP fires back at critics, elderly attorneys"
"US leader misfires"
"Dick Cheney Shoots Hunter, Jokes to Follow"
"Hey There, You With the Sun In Your Eyes"
More :
"Who The Man Shot Cheney Dick ?"
"man 'accidentally shoots Cheney "
"Hunting Cheney Dick, Horror!!!!"
"lawyer shoots his Vice President"
"Cheney Dick shoots man in Reno"
"Cheney Shoots Astro in the Balls"
"Dick Cheney's Dick Dickering"