New phones feature touch panel, smell [lol Japan] (4)

1 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-16 22:04 ID:ANjKArQf

2 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-19 18:17 ID:FnnsiZ6r

why lol?
I think its a cool idea. Too bad there are no photos.

3 Name: Unverified Source : 2007-01-22 14:52 ID:kaKJHAMq

wait.. so i can actually fart in the phone and make the other person at the other end smell it?

4 Name: Newshound : 2007-01-22 17:00 ID:aruvz1bg

Man, that's gonna suck. People are already calling from the bathroom, now we get to not only hear them poop, but smell it too...


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