Anonymous vs Scientology (51)

1 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-01-25 22:40 ID:kAgaf0Ym

well! seems like it's kicking off a bit, "Anonymous" (that is, the anonymous of the *chan imageboards, not the anonymous from here, which i consider a separate and less retarded entity entirely) has declared war on the Church of Scientology. So far this seems to have amounted to collecting a bunch of already leaked scientology materials and putting them up on file hosting services, and then DDOSing various CoS related websites.

But for once I can actually get behind the various twats of the chans, the CoS is a genuinely dangerous organisation, and I'd love to see it taken down a peg or several... so far the few mainstream media outlets that picked the story up have reported on a group of "hackers" which isn't exactly right, but at least it's getting *some exposure.

Seems to me like they would get better results if they just left their parents basements and got out spreading information about the Church's misdeeds in, yknow, the actual real world - after all, most lower level members of the CoS (ie the actual victims of the thing) don't even have internet access in the first place.

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