Sex, rape & slaves inserted in sick holiday menu (25)

9 Name: Unverified Source : 2008-07-02 22:56 ID:Hw+cIuQP

This article has raised terrible anger in Japan now.
Many Japanese are poor at English, so they haven't found the fact that false articles written by the Australian writer have been delivered to the world!
This writer seems to have been asked by Korean authority in this newspaper publisher.
Yesterday, anti-Mainichi Paper demonstration was performed.
It will be also performed in the future.
We are always seriously bothered by Korean's fictitious stories.
The biggest problem for us is that larger media,especially like Mainich Paper, are strongly affected by Korean power now.
Anyway,real Japanese people are very very angry with this article!
And you should know that there are real Japanese and pretended Japanese even in Japan now!

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