Three boys killed a japanese student at Shiga Prefecture in Japan. (11)

1 Name: Unverified Source : 2012-07-15 23:25 ID:jXn7pOkY

Tsukamaro Kimura, Kouya Yamada,and Takesato Koami , killed a Japanese 13 years old student at Otsu city, Shiga Prefecture, in Japan. (Korean district?)
These boys,their parents,the board of education there,and a police official, all of them are trying to hide the truth in the town costume. They run away from Shiga Prefecture, and it is said that they are preparing to run away even from Japan. (Actually minors under 18 year old are protected by the law even if they are murderer.)
One innocent student are killed while These fuckin' guys live happily! is it right?
Please spread the truth and do not forgive these evil fuckin' guys.

  • In English

  • In Japanese

4 Name: Unverified Source : 2012-07-16 07:24 ID:Heaven

> murderer
> suicide

If you kill yourself, then that makes anyone you don't like a murderer?

5 Name: Unverified Source : 2012-07-18 05:55 ID:Ww+/5qlM

They harassed a kid until he was so sad he killed himself.
Fuck. That is awful. Why are Japanese kids so mean to each other?

6 Name: Unverified Source : 2012-07-24 07:15 ID:jXn7pOkY

As ABC News said, they even made him practice suicide.
I (and many other japanese) suspect he was finally pushed down and was deprived of the right to live at the age of only 13 , and even if he was not pushd down and actually commited suicide, they drove him die with bullying (which i think should be called rather than violence or torture) for just their pleasure.

The most unbelievable is that their parents, executives of The Board of Education in Shiga Prefecture, the principal and the other theachers in their Oujiyama Junior High School, and other powerful people are trying to hide the facts.
They try not to publish any survey results, and they even threatened other students who tried to ensure what's happened in the school , saying "what's this?".

I hate all of them and this evil distinct people should be condemned.

7 Name: Unverified Source : 2012-07-24 21:23 ID:Heaven

You're more of a murderer than them, for what you're doing to our language.

8 Name: Unverified Source : 2012-07-28 05:13 ID:jXn7pOkY

Is it worse than a murder to express an opinion in your lauguage?

I want constructive opinions (even through against me), so I'm afraid I have no time to care for fascists like you.

9 Name: Unverified Source : 2012-07-28 05:14 ID:jXn7pOkY

Is it worse than a murder to express an opinion in your lauguage?

I want constructive opinions (even through against me), so I'm afraid I have no time to care for fascists like you.

10 Name: Unverified Source : 2012-07-28 07:41 ID:Heaven

Why is it relevant that this incident occurred in a "Korean district?"

11 Name: Unverified Source : 2012-07-28 23:11 ID:Heaven


> trying to hide the truth in the town costume.

What the fuck is a "town costume"? I could try to guess, but I'm not coming up with anything that would be in any way capable of hiding anything.

> they are murderer

"they are" is plural, "murderer" is singular.

> One innocent student are

"One innocent student" is singular, "are" is plural.

> while These

"These" should not be capitalized, since it's in the middle of a sentence.

> pushd

"pushd" is not a word in English.

> theachers

"theachers" is not a word in English.

> tried to ensure what's happened in the school , saying "what's this?".

I don't think "ensure" means what you think it means.
Also, that pile of punctuation at the end is very wrong.

> evil distinct people

Ditto for "distinct".

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