日本の名言・至言を書き込むスレ (185)

51 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-05-22 12:20 ID:Heaven

Thank you so much.

I think the original meaning is
"That book is so exciting you can't sleep once you start reading it."
(Does it make sense?)

In Japan you learn at school what >>50 says in the first 4 lines
and most of us felt >>44 was a nonsense.
The person(s) who insisted >>44 was correct mentioned "Chomu's tough movement".
(maybe Chomsky? I don't know).
According to the theory, the person(s) said,
"that book" was thought to be an object of "reading" in the while-clause.

Anyway thank you again for the information.

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