Let's translate an eroge! (33)

28 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-09-17 21:55 ID:fugAY7fk

Is it okay if I try? I'm not Japanese either, though, but anyways.


"About that thing, I'll let you borrow it", she said.


...or should I rather say, heavy.


Yeah, but isn't that "Shakoujirei", I've just thought...
("社交辞令"="Shakoujirei"="a polite or diplomatic way of putting things" -EDICT. Another typo in the script?)


Though I've never seen (him/her/it) being summoned nor attacked by someone other than me.


I'll tell the teacher, so 公欠に... (I've no idea what's "公欠"...)

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