Japanese(non native speakers test here , and native help us out) (86)

2 名前: 名無しさん@英語勉強中 2005-09-21 14:11 ID:Heaven

Very difficult for me to imagine what you want to write
May be . . . . . . .
・ざくわもちたい ⇒ ザク(gundum)を持ちたい。⇒ I want to have a Zaku.
・これわですか ⇒ これ、輪ですか?⇒Is this a loop? or 是は(何)ですか?⇒What is this?
・わたしわのおrうぇじん ⇒ 私はノルウェー人 ⇒ Iam a Norwegian
Would you please write the original English sentences? 

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