Yes, I'm all new to typing in Japanese. I found hiragana, katakana, conversion to kanji etc, but where do I get the ten-ten? The dash dash and the tiny ring. Is it shift something?
Or is the only way to actually type ba instead of ha and so on?
No way to get a separate ten ten?
Sorry for the stupid question!!
It's not on an English keyboard.
You need a Japanese keyboard to type "ten ten"
I'd never recommend kana mode, but
@ = ゛
[ = ゜
Thanks!! I'm still confused though.
Those don't work for me.. (and @ doesn't have a key of it's own, has it?) are we talking about english keyboard?
about kana mode - shouldn't input mode always be kana? no?
if you are using the Windows non-direct method just type in ha or ba はば
You need a Japanese keyboard to get ゛ and ゜ by means of >>4.
If you have an English one, you have to first type, for example, だくてん (dakuten) and then to convert it into ゛ depending on what input method you use.
(だくてん converted into ゛ is my case using an IME called SKK)
But は゛ (ha + ゛) , は゜ (ha + ゜) are less beautiful and readable than ば (ba), ぱ (pa)
and there's no reason you use them unless you want to use the marks for their own.
Sorry, I've forgotton letters like あ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛(can't be got without using ゛). One reason to use ゛.
だくてん and はんだくてん (converted) worked for me, many thanks!!
What are the effects of saying あ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛?
How do you read those? Are they just there to emphasize the sound?
A really loud and vocal scream.
I think you are right.
But, we don't use these in spoken Japanese.
It isn't easy to pronounce "あ゛for us.
私は”Those darn vocals!”の記述を理解できません。
(Sorry,I can't understand your remark.)
Correcting:these→Those darn vocals?
I am European, most European languages use the same set of basic vowels, so it's funny to imagine someone having problems with "A".
Most of the time, asian people have a problem with consonants, especially "R" and "L" (and this is not a convenient stereotype or anything, my Japanese teacher was really horrible with words that had many "R"s or "L"s).
And yes, I meant "vowel" instead of "vocal"...
Although I'm Japanese,I've never seen other Japanese shout , 'あ゛あ゛あ゛'.
It is a phrase seen well in mangas.
If I shouted it,it means that I had suffered serious mental damage or surprised at something.
But other Japanese who heard my scream can't tell my'あ゛あ゛あ゛' from my'ああああ'.
That is to say,even if you ask Japanese to pronounce it,most Japanese take time to do it.
(Because most of us doesn't have experience of having done it actually.)
It isn't easy to pronounce 'あ゛'for us,too.
Sorry for my poor English.
But how does あ゛sound? I've read somewhere that あ゛sounds like あ and え at the same time. Is it correct?
Caution:I'm not sure my thoughts are correct.
I think you are not wrong,but more important things are your feelings and countenance.
(Also you should pronounce it thickly a bit.)
It is difficult to convert literary(mangas) Japanese into the spoken Japanese because of its vagueness.
(not only あ゛ but also some phrase used to emphasize one's feelings,too.)
There is no clear distinction.... orz
If you wanna use the phrase,you have to consider that these expressions are so relative.
And most of us don't care mangas expressions normally.
Let me show you an example.(Be careful! It's not あ゛but it's お゛or を゛)
(Unofficial authors split normal lines and mixed them.)
LET'S FIND 'お゛お゛お゛お゛お゛! (painful)' and 'を゛〜〜〜 (comfortable)'.
Actually, that's better English than most native English-speakers on the internet.
Ok, so あ゛お゛and を゛are sounds with some added "growling", if i understood it correctly?
I suppose you understand it correctly.
When the groan or growling is added to the voice(example:あ,お),゛ may be applyed to the character in some cases.
かもしれません。 濁点(゛)=Voiced consonant mark
There are some voices with ゛in the movie of No.19.
But these voices may be recognized without ゛ by Japanese people except 2channelers.
These are some of the voices with 濁点.(from MAD GEAR SOLID)
0:32 ぐあ゛っ
0:58 ぐあ゛っ
1:21 ぐあ゛っ
1:50 ぅ゛・・・う゛う゛
1:58 ぐあ゛っ
2:23 うっぐぅ゛
2:32 ぐあ゛っ ????
2:43 ぎゃあ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛
3:05 ???
3:34 わあ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛あ゛ どあ゛あ゛あ゛
3:40 を゛〜〜〜〜〜