What do Japanese people think about notjapanese livining in Japan? (113、永久sage)

51 名前: 45 2005-10-31 17:53 ID:HKBp0pA6

>>50 さぁ・・

To be honest, I don't wanna say ALL Koreans are blah blah blah.
It's true that many Koreans hate Japanese and often couse some disturbance.
Once I took a class with them and it was horrible.
Every now and then they talked about how Japanese were evil and should have been dead. The American teacher finally stated that "You guys use Japan to unite your country! But none of you were born at the war time!"
Anyway, people from both nation lost people who they loved because of WWII.
It's not one nation or one individual has full responsibility for all actions. If we start to think that way, here again! The democratic nation turns into autocracy. I just don't wanna that.
Talking about Korean people, I know some who like Japan. Hatred only brings you hatred. We need love.

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