Learning Japanese thread (4)

1 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-11-18 00:09 ID:iIh1/aO5

Here's a cool audio lesson to start you out.


2 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-11-18 07:48 ID:QQIKZDmO

The first step in learning japanese is the research (・∀・)!
If you're a true beginner, you're going to need to know the different writing styles and such! Kanji, Katakana, Hiragana, and what they're used for.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiragana - Hiragana
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katakana - Katakana
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanji - Kanji
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romaji -Romaji (not romaji)

Read up on them!
The next step is learning Hiragana and Katakana. To be honest, I did this with about.com's hiragana and katakana sections. They are simple, effective, and free.
Most people learn Hiragana first:
And then Katakana:

I started with Katakana, but it doesn't really matter which order you do it in!
While using these sites to help you, here's a good program for remembering both katakana and hiragana. I don't suggest using this to learn the languages, but practice every single day! Check out Kanasensei! http://kanasensei.sourceforge.net/

After learning katakana and hiragana, you have a number of choices for kanji. I suggest buying a japanese workbook, and doing many lessons. Not too many in one day, of course! If you wish to learn the entire language online (not a good idea), then google for it.
I also suggest NOT using audio lessons! You need conversational practice. I found a school downtown that teaches english to foreigners. I saw that they had been wanting "conversation practice" so that the foreign students get more practice speaking english. In turn, you learn whatever language it is they're working on. In my case, I of course chose a japanese girl to work with. It's been great! we talk in both japanese and english, and help each other with both languages. A "conversational partner" is something you should definatly take advantage of, if you can. Also, it was free!

Classes are generally overpriced and bad, if it isn't a college or highschool course. My girlfriend learned a lot in a highschool course, they even took trips to Japan! But, outside of that, only do it if you have the money - they aren't very beneficial from what you can learn using books bought from borders, and the 4 classes i've been in, i've hardly learned anything different from what I've taught myself. You don't even get a lot of conversation practice.

I hope this helps people aspiring to speak this language!
After you learn Katakana/Hiragana and the basic ideas and sentance structure, it's really a breeze! Work a little on kanji, take your time, and learn words as you go along. It's pretty easy!

3 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-11-18 07:55 ID:QQIKZDmO

Tips for finding a good workbook in your local bookstore:

A good workbook is essential for learning Japanese. You will need to find a GOOD one, that doesn't rush the language.
A good workbook will look something like a math paper you get at school.

When flipping through a workbook, keep these in mind!

1) Does the book have lots of japanese inside of it?

 I've bought books that have nothing but a katakana and hiragana table in the front, and the rest of the book is romaji.  THIS IS NOT GOOD.  Try to find one with a lot of japanese writing inside, so that you get used to reading faster, and don't forget the characters!  This is the MOST important part of finding a good workbook.

2) Does the book have lots of blank spaces?

The book should look like a sheet you get at school.  HOWEVER, not a textbook.  they make books that require a teacher to get through, since they do not have explinations.  They also make books that have lots of blank spaces for you to write answers in yourself - also, many pictures or charts to help you.  Charts are hard to learn from, though, so be sure it's a book that will give you information AND practice.  Pictures are good too, but not too many!  A book with lots of pictures generally means it has less content - but not always.

3) Does the book have a retarded title?

"Learning Japanese in the car", "Japanese in 10 minutes a day!", "Learn japanese FAST!"

These are examples of bad books. Don't get a book "authorized by a world renown language professor that travels a lot." These are books for tourists and buisness men. Get a real WORKBOOK, not a shitty audio cd and pamphlet. Stay away from this kind of stuff and go for things that look bulky on real JAPANESE information, instead of romaji and the such.

I hope these help you save money, and learn the language correctly! I also suggest getting a few "Kanji" workbooks, they're useful for learning the complicated characters.

4 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 2005-11-18 08:19 ID:QQIKZDmO

Making your computer more Japanese:

If you're wondering about how the Japanese type, it's called Microsoft IME. I really suggest getting this if you plan on learning the language. Also, change your computers environment to Japanese. It's an easy process! All your old programs can be used the same, however new ones become availible and it really open ups your Japanese PC experince! Also, it makes you practice Japanese more. Very good!

http://www.declan-software.com/japanese_ime/ - USEFUL!
http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/downloads/recommended/ime/install.mspx - MSIME.
http://staff.washington.edu/rrbritt/general/UsingWin2kforJPNWin.htm - something like this probably works for XP as well!

If you want menus and the such in japanese, research "Microsoft MUI" instead of buying/obtaining a new copy of windows in japanese.

Some good software:
DISCLAIMER: I am not pressing my views on which software is better. This is simply what I've found to be better as far as Japanese support goes. Please do not start dumb software wars on this thread, it is only my experince and my opinions. You may add your own if you want, but I'm not trying to start anything.

Mozilla Firefox - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firefox
Better japanese support than Internet Explorer. I do not have experince with Opera (but I know a few Japanese that use it), but most seem to like Firefox. It has a more controlled environment, especially when it comes to languages.

foobar2000 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foobar2000
audio player, has extremly good multi-language support compared to Winamp or iTunes. You can even easily input japanese tags. Some people stay away from foobar because it seems to complicated, but you don't have to customize or do anything to it - as long as it plays music!

Trillian - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trillian_%28instant_messenger%29
Multi-protocal messaging client.. Can set the font to Japanese and seems to work better than MSN, AIM, or Yahoo! messangers for this. You can always download japanese versions of the other software, however then remember that the ENTIRE PROGRAM is in japanese, and it doesn't just have "Japanese support".

mIRC - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirc
IRC client. X-chat also works, but mIRC is easier to set up for japanese. View > Fonts, and you're done. More customization. Also, you can research the Japanese IRC client "LimeChat", but it only works well with Japanese environments running, AND it has the same problem as regular AIM does.

Share - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Share_%28P2P%29 , http://www.uguu.org/share/
Japanese P2P Program. See the article.

WinNY - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winny
Also a Japanese P2P Program. See the article.

AA Editor - http://aaesp.at.infoseek.co.jp/
Used for making AA. From what I've seen, it's only usable with a Japanese environment installed - correct me if I'm wrong, though.

I hope this is helpful, for making your computer a super jappo machine! Also, look around google for different Japanese fonts.

That's all from me for tonight!

Let's pray for a successful thread, and some people to finally get off their lazy asses and learn the language of Japanese!

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