Korean said uAll Japanese be killed in an earthquake.v (8)

1 –Ό‘OF 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2012-03-13 02:15 ID:jS4wW1D9

Hello everyone.I'm Japanese.
I love human of all over the world.
Koreans except.
Japanese people are so peaceful race.
But the Koreans speech made us angry.

If it isn't any bother , please watch this video. 
But this movie is in Japanese.
So we tried to make a translation into English.


Korean said uAll Japanese be killed in an earthquake.v

Hey Japanese people.
So you guys are already contaminated with the radiation?
Isn't it just scary?
Well I'm guessing that devastating earthquake is going to 
hit Tokyo and kill a lot of people,
which I really can't wait for it.
I'm always thinking Japanese people dying, but I can't kill them
directly, so it was really exciting to hear that Japanese people are 
dying from the natural disaster.
Well, im going to stop here and watch Japanese suffer more from
the earthquake.
Hope you guys die soon.

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