Making Friends (51)

41 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-18 15:36 ID:VWmyj755

........hmmm...................... I didnt have friends b4 and i am an only child so it's kinda lonely. Then in the third or fourth grade i started acting stupid verrrrrrrrrry stupid (stupid like talking be4 i think and just not stop talking and sayind dumb stuff and acting clueless) then ppl started laughing and more kids started to hang out w/ me. Now this became a habit ....a bad habit now some kids in Highschool get pisssed and dun take me seriously and think of me as retarded. Alhough i only act stupid infront of peers infront of adults and at home i am Extremely quiet....I do have some friends they are funny 2. But there is this girl i like named karen in my school I am seldom "stupid" infront of her and i cant b myself. Its very fustrating now i dont know my real self am I the stupid one or the quiet one???????? I tried telling the girl i like her for 6 months now ....I couldnt say much besides hi i could talk to other girls fine....its really pathetic and pussyish i tried and i practice but in the actual moment my words get lost into space and just "hi" comes out the end im a looser hmm.... i guess i didnt answer ur question >>1 and this is the wrong tread probably but i had to get it out. (i wont get ne serious responces in 4ch XD) ne wayz if u read my random post thanks i feel kinda better for now ^_^

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